Raring Amazon leaf fish (Monocirrhus polyacanthus) will be a great challenge for you. But they add stunning color to your aquarium with great value. Are you ready to accept the challenge? However, when rearing a fish, one of the leading, influential, and special things is the tank requirement. So, let us begging to achieve your challenge step by step. So, keep in mind that creating the preferable environment for your amazon leaf fish is vital. Keep reading to learn more about Amazon leaf fish tank size.

Amazon leaf fish tank size
Jump To
- 1 Amazon leaf fish tank size
- 2 How to setup Amazon leaf fish tank
- 3 What Are The Best Substrates For Amazon Leaf Fish?
- 4 Do Amazon leaf fish need plants?
- 5 What Lighting Does Amazon leaf fish need?
- 6 Ideal Water Parameters for Amazon leaf fish
- 7 Do Amazon Leaf Fish Need A Filter System?
- 8 Amazon leaf fish tank mates
The minimum size for an amazon leaf fish tank is 20 to 25 gallons or 76 to 95 L. The tank should be about 71- 80 cm in length. However, these measurements are adequate for one amazon leaf fish. Why does one amazon leaf fish need this size tank? Amazon leaf fish and other leaf fish such as south American leaf fish swim slowly and need more hiding places. Also, they are hunters. So, this fish species needs enough space for free swimming.
However, if your choice is to go with a couple or more amazon leaf fish, you highly consider the tank’s space. If not, your tank will become a battleground automatically. On the other hand, you should have considered the tank mates when you select a tank for your amazon leaf fish. Because creating a better and healthy environment for your fish is not only your hobby; it is your responsibility.
How to setup Amazon leaf fish tank
The aquarium is the house where your fish is going to live. So, how you like to build up your house? Anyone wishes to set up the home the ideal way they love to live comfortably. So, when you set up the fish tank, basically, you should identify the requirements of the particular fish. If you provide an optimum environment to your fish, it will directly help them to live healthily and happily. So, always try to set up the fish tank similar to where they live in the wild.
- When it comes to setting up the tank for your amazon leaf fish, you first examine their preferences. Then start your task.
- According to the size and number of the amazon leaf fish, you should select a suitable tank. The minimum size is mentioned above. Here always try to go for a large one, because excessive space will never be a problem.
- Also, amazon leaf fish love to live in a very stable tank environment. It helps to keep your fish in good health. Therefore, your tank should have all essential assortments.
- You should consider the water parameters when you set up the tank because amazon leaf fish is sensitive to water conditions.
The water should be soft and acidic. Further always try to keep the stable and clean water. This practice will prevent many troubles in your amazon leaf fish tank.
- Also, when you set up the plant, you must give more attention to living plants. It is better to go to heavy plantations. But always try to select large-leaved plant varieties. The planted aquarium has the ability to give a secure feeling to your fish.
On the other hand, amazon leaf fish love more hiding places. So, these live plants allow them to hide by creating more hiding spots.
- Floating plants are also a great addition to your amazon leaf fish tank. Because it helps to mimic the natural habitat of the amazon leaf fish, they mostly live in rivers, so they do not expose to direct sunlight.
- Naturally, they look like a dead leaf. So it will be easy for them to hide between dried leaves.
Therefore, floating plants also prevent harsh sun rays from getting into your tank directly.
- Apart from the live plants, you can use driftwood to decorate your tank. In this case, you can go for large pieces of wood because amazon leaf fish tend to swim among them quietly.
It is a nice view. Most probably, they are searching for food among them. Not only that, driftwood causes to maintain the water chemistry.
- In addition to that, always try to decorate your fish tank with dark colors. It will give additional color to your fish tank.
- In the wild, amazon leaf fish live little dark environment. Thus rivers run through dense forests. Consequently, amazon leaf fish do not prefer harsh light. Therefore, you can use a dim light in the tank. Additionally, floating plants also help to mimic the lighting condition of their natural habitats.
- When it comes to the water flow, amazon leaf fish do not like strong water flows.
- Here you should set up a high-quality filtration system and aeration in the amazon leaf fish tank.
- Another important part of the tank is the substrate. You can use sand and small pebbles.

What Are The Best Substrates For Amazon Leaf Fish?
Generally, any animal prefers to live where it is the same as their natural habitats. Also, as a hobbyist, you should always try to create an aquarium similar to their wild environment. It helps to reach 80% of the health of your fish. However, amazon leaf fish is generally living in rivers and lakes in the wild. So, think through that.
What is at the bottom of rivers and lakes? It is hard for you to fully design our tanks like the bottom of a river or lake. But you can try to make a better environment for your amazon leaf fish. Normally, you can mimic the natural environment by using sand and pebbles as the substrate of your tank. Also, substrate types add darkish coloration, and it will cause fish to look more contrasting.
Do Amazon leaf fish need plants?
Of course. Amazon leaf fish need live plants. Generally, this fish species is shy. So, adults and small fish love to live in hidden places. On the other hand, amazon leaf fish is a hunter. Because of that, live plants also help to catch their prey easily. Therefore, you should add more live plants to the amazon leaf fish tank. But do not overload. When you add plants, you should consider the tank size, and always you must keep free space for them to swim freely.
So, let’s see, what are the suitable plants for amazon leaf fish tanks, and what characteristics those plants should have? Basically, you should choose live plants with large leaves. It creates more and more hiding spots. Further, it is better to go with hardy live plants that are difficult to destroy. You can try out below listed live plants.
- Amazon sword (Echinodorus grisebacgii)
- Java fern (Leptochilus pteropus)
- Cryptocoryne lutea
- Cryptocoryne wendtii
When you select the live plants, you should consider the requirements of both live plants and amazon leaf fish. Always you should go with the plants that can survive under the water condition of amazon leaf fish. Another most important live plant type for your amazon leaf fish tank is floating aquarium plants. Basically, this plant type helps to give your amazon leaf fish to natural experience with a darkish environment. Try below floating plants.
- Anacharis (Egeria densa)
- Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum)
- Amazon Frogbit (Limnobium laevigatum)
- Duckweed (Lemna minor)
What Lighting Does Amazon leaf fish need?
Amazon leaf fish do not prefer strong lighting conditions. They love to live in dark environments. So, you should go with dim lighting conditions. Also, live plants also help to create a darkish environment. When you choose the lights, you should consider them too.

Ideal Water Parameters for Amazon leaf fish
The most important factor that relates to the environment of the fish is water parameters. Because if your tank water parameters are not ideal or not quality, there is a great deal of doubt as to whether your fish will survive. So, if you want to keep your adult and small fish healthy, you should maintain the stable and ideal levels of below water parameters.
- pH level
Amazon leaf fish prefer acidic water. So, it is better to maintain the pH level between 5 to 6.8.
- Water hardness
Amazon leaf fish can keep healthy and happy in soft water. Therefore, the ideal water hardness is between 1 to 10 dGH.
- Temperature
The ideal water temperature ranges from 73 to 84 Fahrenheit. You can keep the ideal water temperature by using the aquarium heater.
The other important thing is, you must perform the water changes regularly in a proper way. It helps to maintain the water quality of your amazon leaf fish.
Do Amazon Leaf Fish Need A Filter System?
Yes, you must go with a high-quality filter system. It will help you to keep the ideal water parameters. On the other hand, you should feed your amazon leaf fish with at least 3 guppies. Because of this, generally, amazon leaf fish will create a significant amount of bioload. To overcome the impact of these bio loads, you have to set up a better filter system in your amazon leaf fish tank.
Amazon leaf fish tank mates
Amazon leaf fish is hunters. They probably hide among the plant’s leaves and wait to catch the fish that fit for their large mouth. So, amazon leaf fish can clean your community tank within 1 to 2 days. Therefore, when you choose tank mates for your amazon leaf fish, you should be careful enough. If you have the idea to keep them in a community tank, please don’t do it. If you wish to rear them in a home aquarium, it is better to go for a species-only tank.
Because it will help you keep them without any fighting, but do not put many amazons leaf fish into the same tank. A couple of fish is better. However, if you want to rear more than two, you must provide adequate space and food. So, if you still need to keep your amazon leaf fish with other fish species, you must always choose more aggressive and large fish species. Some suitable fish species are mentioned below.
- Armored catfish
- Pictus catfish
- Silver shark
- Rainbow shark
- Silver dollar
- Pleco fish
- Gourami fish
- Medium-sized loricariids
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