People who love nature tend to also love the color green. Those who love the color green probably love to have a green tiger barb in their aquarium. Green tiger barbs stand out from other barbs because they are one of the only brightly colored green fish. Most other green fish have some brown or black coloring to them. But, the green tiger barb shines through with the fluorescent green.
The green tiger barb is a cheerful fish to have in an aquarium, but there are certain facts you should be aware of. This article will provide information about green tiger barb care so that you can determine if they are the right fish for your aquarium.

One Look Care Guide
Jump To
- 1 One Look Care Guide
- 2 What Is Green Tiger Barb?
- 3 How Big Does Green Tiger Barb Grow?
- 4 Life Expectancy
- 5 Is Green Tiger Barb Aggressive?
- 6 Green Tiger Barb Behavior
- 7 Green Tiger Barb Care
- 8 Green Tiger Barb Breeding
- 9 How To Feed Green Tiger Barb?
- 10 What Fish Can Live With Green Tiger Barb?
- 11 Conclusion
- 12 Related Questions
Scientific name | Puntius tetrazona |
Common name | Green Tiger Barb |
Care level | Easy |
Native to | South-East Asia, Captive bred |
Type | Freshwater fish |
Color | Green |
Tank size | 20 gallons minimum |
Preferred temperature | 74- 79 degrees Fahrenheit |
Other water parameters (ammonia, etc.) | Ph: 6-7 Hardness: 4- 10 KH |
Preferred salinity | No salinity |
Size | 2.5 Inches |
Life Span | Average 5-8 years |
Temperament | Semi aggressive |
Recommended tank mates | Short-finned, active, similar sized fish bottom dwelling fish |
Preferred food | Omnivore, pellets, flakes, fresh, frozen, and freeze dried food, plant matter |
Feeding frequency | 2 times per day |
Breeding | Easy, egg layers |
What Is Green Tiger Barb?
The green tiger barb, scientifically known as Puntius tetrazona, is a freshwater fish native to South-East Asia. They may be found in countries such As Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia in the wild. Tiger barbs get their name from the stripes that run vertically down their bodies. They have 4-6 black stripes that are set against a green or brownish body. However, these stripes may not be prominent in Green Tiger Barbs. The color of the tiger barb will depend on its environment and diet. For example, those that live in dirty water will have a duller color than those that live in clean water.
How Big Does Green Tiger Barb Grow?
The green tiger barb is a small fish that only grows to be about 2.5 inches long. Females are typically larger than males and have a rounder body shape. Males have a more slender body shape, and their fins are longer.
Life Expectancy
The green tiger barb has a 5-8 year lifespan on average, but some have been known to live ten years. How long your barbs will survive is determined by how well they are taken care of. Those who are kept in a clean aquarium with the proper diet and water conditions will live longer than those who are not.
Is Green Tiger Barb Aggressive?
Green tiger barb can be quite aggressive. They are known to nip at the fins of other fish and should not be kept with slow-moving or long-finned fish. They are also known to be fin nippers, so keeping them with fish with shorter fins is best. If you do choose to keep them with long-finned fish, make sure there are plenty of places for the fish to hide.
You can lessen this aggression by keeping them in a group of 5 or more. They are less likely to pick on other fish when they are kept in a group.
Green Tiger Barb Behavior
In the wild, green tiger barbs live in schools and are very active fish. They are constantly swimming and exploring their environment. In the aquarium, they will do the same thing. They are not fish that enjoy sitting still and will spend the majority of their time swimming in the tank. They’re also known to be jumpers, so it’s vital to have a lid on your aquarium. If you do not have a lid, they will jump out and could die.
Swimming Levels
The green tiger barb is a middle swimming-level fish. They’ll spend the majority of their time on the top and middle levels of the aquarium. They will rarely go to the bottom of the tank.
If you want your green tiger barbs to be healthy and happy, make sure there’s ample open area in the middle and top levels of their tank so they may swim about. They also like to have plants and other objects to explore and hiding places to go when they feel threatened.

Green Tiger Barb Care
Green tiger barbs are hardy fish that can withstand most water conditions. However, they should be kept in schools to avoid stress. Otherwise, they will become aggressive and nip at the fins of other fish.
Green Tiger Barb Tank Size
Green tiger barbs require a tank with at least 20 gallons of water. However, it is suggested that you keep them in a 30-gallon or larger aquarium. This will allow them to swim and enjoy themselves fully. It will also aid in the reduction of aggressiveness.
How Many Should Green Tiger Barb Be Kept Together?
Since these are schooling fish, green tiger barbs should be kept in schools of 5 or more. This will help to reduce aggression and stress.
Tank Setup
In the wild, green tiger barbs live in slow-moving rivers and streams. You would have to replicate these conditions in their aquarium in order to make them feel comfortable.
As for the substrate, you can use gravel or sand. Just make sure it is not too sharp, so they do not hurt their fins.
Green tiger barbs like to have plants in their tank. This provides them with places to hide and explore. Some good plants for their tank are java ferns, anubias, and hornwort.
Since green tiger barbs come from slow-moving waters, you will want to use a low flow rate filter. This will make them feel more comfortable in their new environment.
You should also do weekly water changes of 10-15%. This will help to keep the water clean and the fish healthy.
Green tiger barbs like to have plenty of places to hide and explore. So, you should add caves, rocks, and driftwood to their tank. This will provide them with places to go when they feel threatened. However, you shouldn’t add too many decorations, as this can make the tank feel cramped.
Since green tiger barbs come from slow-moving waters, they do not need bright lighting. A low-light condition is fine for them.
Tank Lid
It is important to have a tank lid on your aquarium. This is because green tiger barbs are known to be jumpers. If they jump out of the tank, they could die.
Water Quality Condition
The green tiger barb is a hardy fish that can withstand most water conditions. However, the tank should be clean and well-maintained. This will help to keep the fish healthy and reduce stress.
Water Temperature
The ideal water temperature for green tiger barbs is 74- 79 degrees Fahrenheit.
pH Level
The ideal pH level for green tiger barbs is 6-7.
The ideal hardness for green tiger barbs is 4- 10 KH. However, they will do best in softer water.

Green Tiger Barb Breeding
Green tiger barbs are easy to breed in captivity. They are prolific breeders that can double their population within about 15 months. However, you will need to provide them with the proper conditions. The first thing you will need to do is to set up a breeding tank. This tank should be at least 20 gallons. It should also have a low flow rate and plenty of plants.
The water temperature should be between 74-79 degrees Fahrenheit. The pH level should be 6-7, and the hardness should be 4-10 KH. You will also need to add a pair of green tiger barbs to the tank. Green tiger barbs are egg scatterers, so they will not build nests. The female will lay her eggs in the plants, and the male will fertilize them. Once the eggs are fertilized, you will have to remove the parents as soon as possible because they will eat their own eggs. The eggs will hatch in about 24 hours.
Green Tiger Barb Male Or Female Identification
The simplest method to tell the difference between a male and female green tiger barb is by their color. The males are typically more colorful than the females. They also have longer fins. The males are also usually smaller than the females. However, this is not always the case. Another way to tell the difference between a male and female green tiger barb is by their behavior. Males are usually more aggressive than females. They will also often chase each other around the tank.
Identify Pregnant Green Tiger Barb And Green Tiger Barb Pregnancy Stages
The easiest way to tell if a green tiger barb is pregnant is by its belly. A pregnant green tiger barb will have a large, round belly. Their behavior shows you can also tell if a green tiger barb is pregnant. Pregnant green tiger barbs will often be more sluggish than usual. They will also spend more time hiding.
How Many Babies Does Green Tiger Barb Have?
A single female green tiger barb can lay up to 500 eggs at once, but not all of them will hatch. The average number of fry that hatch is between 50-200.
Green Tiger Barb Fry Care
The green tiger barb fry is very small and delicate. They will need to be in a separate tank from their parents to avoid cannibalism. The fry tank should be at least 10 gallons. You should feed the fry live foods such as baby brine shrimp or daphnia. You should feed the fry several times a day. As the fry grows, you can start to add other foods to their diet. You can give them flake food or pellets that have been crushed into a powder.
You should also continue to feed them live foods. The fry should be kept in water that is the same temperature as the parents. The pH level should be 6-7, and the hardness should be 4-10 KH. The fry tank should be well-filtered and have plenty of plants. The plants will provide the fry with hiding places and oxygen. You should start to see the fry getting its adult coloration after about six weeks. The fry will be fully grown after about three months.

How To Feed Green Tiger Barb?
Green tiger barbs are omnivore fish. They will eat a number of things in the wild, including insects, crustaceans, and vegetation. You should feed your green tiger barbs a varied diet to keep them healthy. Also, you can give them flakes, pellets, or granules. You can also give them live, frozen, or freeze-dried foods. You should feed green tiger barbs 2-3 times a day. Only offer them as much food as they can consume in two minutes.
What Fish Can Live With Green Tiger Barb?
As mentioned earlier, you should keep these fish in school to avoid aggression and stress. Otherwise, green tiger barbs will become aggressive and territorial. These fish get along well with other active, fast-moving fish like other barb species, danios, and rasboras. They also do well with peaceful fish like loaches and catfish. You should not keep green tiger barbs with slow-moving fish or long-finned fish. They will also not do well with other aggressive fish.
Some incompatible tank mates for green tiger barbs are:
- Bettas
- Guppies
- Platies
- Swordtails
- Goldfish
- Koi
- Cichlids
Whichever fish you choose to house with these fish, be sure to observe them carefully. If you see any aggression or stress, removing the fish from the tank is best.
Green tiger barbs are an attractive and active fish that make a great addition to any tank. They are easy to care for and get along well with many other fish. However, it is important to keep them in school to avoid aggression and stress. These fish are also known to be jumpers, so be sure to keep a lid on your tank. If you provide your green tiger barbs with the proper care, they will thrive and provide you with years of enjoyment.
Related Questions
Are Green Tiger Barbs Rare?
Yes. Green tiger barbs are a rare color morph. They are not often found in fish stores and are usually only available through specialty breeders.
How Long Does An Green Tiger Barb Live?
Green tiger barbs can live up to 8 years with proper care.
Are Green Tiger Barbs Natural?
No. Green tiger barb is a captive-bred color morph. The natural coloration of these fish is brown with black stripes.
Do Green Tiger Barbs Fight?
Green tiger barbs are peaceful fish but can become aggressive if not kept in a school. They will also become territorial if they are not given enough space. It is important to keep these fish in a tank that is at least 20 gallons.
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