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Blood Parrot Cichlid Tank Mates | 10 Suitable Fish You Must Know |

Many hobbyists like to keep blood parrot fish in their community aquariums. So, are they community fish? Yes and No. When choosing blood parrot cichlid tank mates, you need to be extra careful because, unlike other cichlids, these fish have a calm temperament yet have few complications. Let’s dig deep into this topic.

Blood Parrot Cichlid tank mates

Do blood parrots need a companion?

Blood parrot cichlid is thought to be a hybrid between Midas cichlid and the golden severum cichlid.

This hybridization caused this fish several deformities, hence several complications. Although it is a hardy fish, they need special care due to these complications.

Blood parrots are schooling fish. Therefore, they prefer the company of their own species. If they do not get to live in a group, blood parrots tend to be more shy and timid.

Due to their peaceful temperament, they can get along with other fish. However, they do not like the company of aggressive fish species.

Can a blood parrot live alone?

Blood parrot fish can actually live alone. But, when kept alone, they tend to become more shy and timid. They can survive, but it will be difficult for them to thrive. Therefore, we recommend keeping blood parrots in groups.

If you want to keep a single blood parrot cichlid, make sure that the aquarium size is around 30 gallons or more. This way, the fish will have enough space to swim around.

If the aquarium is too cramped, your fish’s quality of life will be affected.

What fish can live with blood parrot cichlid?

This fish can coexist with other fish in the aquarium as long as they are not aggressive.

If kept with aggressive tank mates, they may become injured or worse. This is because blood parrot cichlids can not compete with other fish because of their deformities.

They can not fight and nip other fish efficiently because of their deformed mouths.

Although these fish become aggressive and territorial when met with aggressive tank mates, they are no match for other aggressive fish.

Therefore, the best tank mates for blood parrot cichlids are those that are peaceful and docile. The tank mates should not be too small as they may become a snack for the blood parrot cichlid.

Any fish that fits in their mouth will become prey for blood parrots. So, you will have to avoid smaller fish like neon tetras, zebra danios, and guppies.

What fish is compatible with blood parrot cichlid?

Any peaceful fish or turtle that are relatively the same sized go well with blood parrot cichlids.

Although these fish are somewhat aggressive, they can live peacefully with other not too aggressive fish. Blood parrots occasionally nip others.

But, these nippings are nothing to be afraid of because they can not harm other fish. Their deformed mouths do not close, so they can not bite other fish.

You will have to watch the activity level of your aquarium and try to keep a good balance between your tank’s fish.

The blood parrot cichlid will become shy and timid if you have too many active fish. And, if there are not enough active fish, the blood parrot cichlid will become aggressive and territorial.

Blood parrot cichlid tank mates

Blood parrot cichlid’s tank mates can be any peaceful fish that is compatible with a community aquarium. Just remember to avoid choosing tank mates that are too aggressive or small because they will become prey for blood parrots.

Also, try to balance the number of active and passive fish in the aquarium. If there are too many active fish, the blood parrot cichlid will become more aggressive.

And if there are not enough active fish in the aquarium, the blood parrot cichlid will become more fearful.

Below are some compatible tankmates:

Firemouth cichlid

Blood parrot cichlid tank mates

Firemouth cichlid is a Central American Cichlidae species with a bright red color morph.

Firemouth cichlid is one of the best choices for a companion in an aquarium with blood parrots because it is hardy, active, and peaceful.

Firemouth cichlids are also similar in size to blood parrots and have a color morph that will blend well with the red color of blood parrots.

Yoyo Loach

Blood parrot cichlid tank mates

Hailing from Pakistan waters, Yoyo loach is also known as Pakistani loach.

This fish can survive in most aquarium conditions and is compatible with other aggressive cichlids. Yoyo loach is a bottom dweller that likes to scavenge for food.

So, it will help clean the bottom of the aquarium. It is also a very active fish and will keep the blood parrot cichlid stimulated.

Bristlenose Plecostomus

Blood parrot cichlid tank mates

Bristlenose plecostomus is a common plecostomus fish that is compatible with most community aquariums. It is a peaceful and docile fish that will scavenge for food on the bottom of the aquarium.

Bristlenose plecostomus is also very active and will keep the blood parrot cichlid stimulated.

Although Bristlenose plecostomus is not a very colorful fish, it is one of the best choices for tank mates because they are compatible with most fish, are very active, and help keep the aquarium clean.

Honey Gourami

Blood parrot cichlid tank mates

Honey gourami is a beautiful tropical fish that is compatible with most community aquariums. It is a peaceful and docile fish that prefers the same water conditions as blood parrots.

Honey gourami is not the same size as blood parrots, but they are large enough not to become prey.

Clown Pleco

Blood parrot cichlid tank mates

Clown pleco is a species of armored catfish that prefers to live in the bottom areas of an aquarium. It has three white clown stripes along its body and is a very peaceful fish.

Although it is not colorful, clown pleco is an excellent choice for tank mates because it helps keep the aquarium clean and is compatible with most fish.

Bala Shark

Blood parrot cichlid tank mates

Bala shark is a large, peaceful fish that originates from the fresh waters of Southeast Asia. Bala sharks can grow up to 13 inches in length and help keep the aquarium’s bottom clean.

Bala sharks are not very colorful, but they are large enough not to become prey for blood parrots.

Silver Dollar Fish

Blood parrot cichlid tank mates

Silver dollar fish is a medium-sized, peaceful fish that originates from the Tapajós River. It can grow up to 6 inches in length and prefers to live in an aquarium’s middle to upper areas.

Silver dollar fish are not very colorful, but they are active schooling fish that will highlight the blood parrot cichlid’s color.

Tiger Barb

Blood parrot cichlid tank mates

Tiger barb is a common, peaceful fish that originates from Southeast Asia. It can grow up to 3 inches in length and occupies the middle to top areas of an aquarium.

It got its name from the four tiger-like stripes around the orangish body. It is an excellent choice for blood parrots as tank mates because it will not become prey and is compatible with most fish.

Further, their color highlights blood parrots well, so many aquarists prefer to keep these schooling fish with blood parrot cichlids.

Emperor Tetra

Blood parrot cichlid tank mates

Emperor tetra is a beautiful, small fish that originates from the Atrato and San Juan River basins in South America. It can grow up to 2 inches in length and occupy the middle to top areas of an aquarium.

It got its name because it has an attractive and elegant coloration that reminds of the colors of a royal emperor. Emperor tetra prefers the same water conditions as blood parrots and will not become prey for blood parrots.

Further, emperor tetra is schooling fish that are very active. Emperor tetra will highlight the colors of blood parrots well and is an excellent choice for tank mates.

Dwarf Gourami

Blood parrot cichlid tank mates

Dwarf gourami is a beautiful fish that originates from South Asia. It can grow up to 2 inches in length and prefers the middle to top areas of an aquarium.

It is an excellent choice for blood parrots as tank mates because it will not become prey and is compatible with most fish.

Dwarf gourami prefers the same water conditions as blood parrots. Further, they are very active and will highlight the color of blood parrots well.

Related Questions

Can guppies live with blood parrot cichlid?

Guppies and blood parrot cichlids are not a good choice because blood parrots like to eat small and slow-moving fish like guppies.

While guppies are active and popular, they will not do well with blood parrot cichlids. Their bright coloration makes them vulnerable to blood parrots easily.

While guppies may survive in a blood parrot cichlid aquarium, they are likely to become prey within a few days.

Can blood parrot cichlids live with cichlids?

Blood parrot cichlids can live with other cichlid species if given enough room for each fish species and with an abundance of food.

However, blood parrots may become aggressive if they are housed with other cichlids and may attack and kill them. This may happen otherwise, too.

If you want to house blood parrots with cichlids, provide them with enough space and hiding places to allow each fish species to get away from the others if needed.

Blood parrot cichlid tank mates


Blood parrot cichlids make excellent community fish if they are not kept with aggressive tank mates. They are colorful and have a calm temperament.

So, if you are looking for a fish that will get along with most other fish, blood parrots are a great choice. 

Credit to : Palmer Fish Talk
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About Dr.Chamika

Hello, I'm Dr. Chamika. I am a Researcher in Water quality, Aquatic organisms, and Environmental chemistry. I am a passionate fish keeper, with10 years of experience. My mission is to help other aquarists experience the joy of fish keeping.