Most new fish owners like to start with a small tank, something with roughly 1 gallon capacity. If you plan to have a small tank and it does not mean that it cannot look beautiful or cannot have some cool fish there. Also, You can create a lovely aquarium with fish and small aquatic plants that would be loved by anyone. Read on for some useful tips on the best fish for a 1-gallon tank.
Best Fish for 1 Gallon Fish Tank
Jump To
- 1 Best Fish for 1 Gallon Fish Tank
- 2 What types of fish can stay in a 1-gallon tank?
- 3 Keeping fish in 1-gallon tank – What do you need to know?
- 4 What aquarium plants to add to a 1-gallon tank?
- 5 How often should the water in a 1-gallon tank be changed?
- 6 How many fish are in a 1-gallon tank?
- 7 How to maintain a small tank ecosystem?
- 8 Wrap up.
- 9 References
Betta Fish
These are a nice species of fish you can opt for with a 1-gallon tank. This fish is usually very aggressive, and it is hard to get along with others, mostly with other Betta fish. It is good to keep these fish types regardless of your tank size.
As betta fish is relatively small and like to be solitary, it will be ideal for a 1-gallon tank. Betta fish do like some plants and an excellent substrate to fit into a 1-gallon tank perfectly fine.
Also, betta fish are relatively resilient fish. You do not want a filter for these fish as long as you clean the tank continuously and do continuous water changes. Betta fish can quickly come to the surface for breathing. Because of that, they do not require any water oxygenation system either. Betta fish are not picky eaters, and therefore, you can easily take care of them.
Betta fish do not require any special equipment in the tank environment, but a heater is recommended in cold conditions. Indeed, these fish will be comfortable in a 1-gallon tank or even a bit spacious tank. But everyone likes more space.

Question | Answer |
Size | 3 inches |
Origin | Thailand |
Care level | Easy |
Temperament | 73-86 °F |
Water condition | 6-8 pH, since this is a small tank, 25% water change must be done frequently. It usually is recommended to do a water change every four days. |
compatibility | Compatible with some fish but tanks mates are not recommended for |
Tank Setup | Set up your one-gallon tank with plants and bottoms substrate so the fish will comfort in it |
Feeding | You can keep them on food pallets, live food, or freeze-dried food, But make sure you do not all feed them because this is a small tank. |
lifespan normal / in a one-gallon tank | In a large tank they will live up to three to five years, but in a one-gallon tank they leave less than one year |
How many betta fish can go in a 1-gallon tank? | One |
Aquarium gear | Aquarium heater, Aquarium light |
Guppies are popular among small 1-gallon tank owners as the right choice of fish. Most people go with guppies because they are tiny. Guppies can grow to around 1.25 inches long. Those measurements make them comfortably fit in a 1-gallon tank. There should be much consideration between community and overcrowding when it comes to these species. As Guppies are a type of community fish, you cannot keep them alone in a tank.
But we cannot try to accommodate too many fish in a small tank either. It is recommended to put around 3 to 4 of these little guys in a 1-gallon tank without any issue. Guppies stay friendly with the members of the same species and also with other fish species. So, there is not a big deal in housing them with a different small species.

Question | Answer |
Size | 1.25 inches |
Origin | Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados |
Care Level | Easy |
Temperament | 50⁰F – 84⁰F |
Water condition | 6.8 to 7.8 pH, since this is a small tank, 10% water change must be done frequently. It usually is recommended to do a water change every 2 days—30% change weekly. |
Compatibility | Compatible with other fish |
Tank Setup | Set up your one-gallon tank with plants and bottoms substrate so the fish will comfort in it |
Feeding | You can keep them on food pallets, and freeze-dried food (blood worm, brine shrimp), But make sure you do not all feed them because this is a small tank. |
lifespan normal / in a one-gallon tank | In a large tank they will live up to three to five years, but in a one-gallon tank they leave less than one year |
How many guppies can go in a 1-gallon tank? | Only One, cant house a pair. (1 gallon of water can house one inch of fish) |
Aquarium gear | Aquarium heater, Aquarium light, aeration pump |
The Sparkling Gourami
The Sparkling Gourami is another valuable species for freshwater tanks. They have an attractive golden body mottled with spots of shiny red and fins decorated with green and blue spots.
Apart from its beauty, the Sparkling Gourami remains peaceful and humble with other tank mates. The shallow rice paddies of countries like Thailand and Cambodia are home to these fish. Sparkling Gourami can survive in low water levels and reduced oxygen levels too.
The Sparkling Gourami only grows to a total length of about 1-1/2″ because it is adapted to live in confined spaces. This species will flourish in an aquarium with various live plants and rocks or pieces of wood behind which it can hide. And also, this Sparkling Gourami can stay peacefully with a variety of tank mates of the same size and nature.
That makes space for several of them in a 1-gallon tank. The Sparkling Gourami becomes fearful around more aggressive fish from other species while males can be territorial with each other. Sparkling Gourami is an omnivorous fish, and you need to give them both algae-based food as well as meaty food. Proper nutrition for these fish can be provided with algae-based flake food, tubifex, brine shrimp, and freeze-dried bloodworms.

Question | Answer |
Size | 1-1/2 inches |
Origin | Southeast Asia |
Care Level | Easy |
Temperament | 71.5–80.5°F |
Water condition | Can live in 5–18 pH should be 6–8 pH, Highly oxygenated waters. Since this is a small tank, 10% water change must be done frequently. It usually is recommended to do a water change every 2 days—30% change weekly. |
Compatibility | Peaceful and humble with other tankmates, Limited compatibility |
Tank Setup | Set up your one-gallon tank as a Freshwater (planted) tank with bottoms substrate so the fish will comfort in it |
Feeding | You can keep them on food pallets, and freeze-dried food (blood worm, brine shrimp), But make sure you do not all feed them because this is a small tank. |
lifespan normal / in a one-gallon tank | In a large tank, they will live up to 4-5 years, but in a one-gallon tank, they leave less than 2 years |
How many Sparkling Gourami can go in a 1-gallon tank? | Only One cant house a pair. (1 gallon of water can house one inch of fish) |
Aquarium gear | Aquarium heater, Aquarium light |
The Ember Tetra
Ember Tetra became very famous in the last few years, mainly due to their playful behavior and their beautiful appearance and body shape. The Ember Tetra can light up the aquarium as this fish catches everyone’s eye. This fish can be called an excellent choice for a 1-gallon tank as well as a community tank.
Sometimes called the Fire Tetra, its scientific name of Ember Tetra is Hyphessobrycon amandae. This is a small freshwater species that belongs to the Characidae family.
This fish is found native in the slow-flowing rivers of Central-Western Brazil. Small rivers with slow-flowing water are the favorite habitats of this freshwater fish.
They desire a pH range of 5.5–7, and if the water hardness exceeds 18dH, they find it hard to live in that water. The optimum temperature is from 68 to 82°F. It would help if you recreated their native environment in the tank, which is among heavily planted riverbeds.
Java fern, Java moss, and Anacharis are some of the plants that can help you with this. Also, You should only place just enough plants for the fish to play, hide, and seek. Leaving adequate space for them to swim around freely.
Ember Tetras can be seen commonly in slow-flowing tributaries located far away from the main rivers. This demands using a silent filtration and aeration system for the aquarium.
Setting it up in that way will not disturb the fish while creating the desired amount of water movement. All these make several of them can easily fit in a 1-gallon tank.

Question | Answer |
Size | 0.8 inches |
Origin | Brazil |
Care Level | Easy |
Temperament | 68 – 82°F |
Water condition | 5.5–7 pH, Highly oxygenated waters. Since this is a small tank, 10% water change must be done frequently. It usually is recommended to do a water change every 2 days—a 30% change weekly. |
Compatibility | Peaceful and humble with other tankmates |
Tank Setup | Set up your one-gallon tank as a Freshwater (planted) tank |
Feeding | You can keep them on food pallets, and freeze-dried food (blood worm, brine shrimp), and avoid adding large amounts. |
lifespan normal / in one-gallon tank | In a large tank they will live up to 5 to 10 years, but in a one-gallon tank they leave less than 3 years |
How many Ember Tetra can go in a 1-gallon tank? | Less than 3, (1 gallon of water can house one inch of fish) |
Aquarium gear | Aquarium heater, Aquarium light, aeration pump |
Endler’s Live Bearers
Endlers can be called beautiful and colorful fish. This fish shows considerable activity in an aquarium. These fish are more likely to show off to each other. And also, These fish can be friendly with humans as they get to interact when they are feeding. Although the popular belief is that the Endler’s Live Bearers live for about 3 to 5 years, you will find that they rarely live for more than two years if you talk with experienced fish owners.
Suboptimal tank conditions and a weak genetic pool are two of the several causes that lead to this. It is better to avoid buying Endler’s from chain stores because these stores do not pay much attention to the quality of the fish they are buying to pursue maximum profit. Endler’s livebearers can live in just about any tank size that can support fish. This fish can be accommodated comfortably in a 1-gallon tank without any problem.
Question | Answer |
Size | 1 inch |
Origin | Venezuela |
Care Level | Easy |
Temperament | 64°F to 84°F |
Water condition | 5.5 to 8.0 pH, Highly oxygenated waters. Since this is a small tank, 15% water change must be done frequently. It usually is recommended to do a water change every 2 days—30% change weekly. |
Compatibility | Peaceful and humble with other tankmates |
Tank Setup | Set up your one-gallon tank is a Freshwater (planted) tank |
Feeding | You can keep them on food pallets, and freeze-dried food (blood worm, brine shrimp), and avoid adding large amounts. |
lifespan normal / in a one-gallon tank | In a large tank, they will live up to 5 to 10 years, but in a one-gallon tank, they leave less than 3 years |
How many Endler’s Live Bearers can go in a 1-gallon tank? | Less than 3. (1 gallon of water can house one inch of fish) |
Aquarium gear | Aquarium heater, Aquarium light, aeration pump |
Neon Tetra
The Neon Tetra’s scientific name is Paracheirodon innesi. This small freshwater fish is a native species in South America. Most fish keepers adore the vibrant-colored, easy-to-care fish. Its peaceful nature and simple food requirements pose it as an ideal beginner fish for a 1gallon tank.
It belongs to the Characidae family and is famous for its brilliant colors and energetic behavior. The United States sees around 2 million Neon Tetra sales each month, and the vast majority of them are bred in confinements.
Neon Tetras are a type of non-aggressive, nice community fish that spend most of their time around the middle of the water column. A general rule is to keep them in schools of 15 members.
But there is no problem saving them in a 1gallon tank as they are. Neon tetra lives until they are around eight years old. In aquariums, their lifespan usually decreases to around five years. Neon Tetras are sensitive to changes in small water conditions.
This makes the just-cycled tanks inappropriate for these fish. The rapid fluctuations in the chemical composition of water around this period may be deadly to them.
Therefore, you should be careful only to add Tetras to established and matured tanks. The water conditions for Neon Tetras should be between 70°F to 81°F.
And also, you should keep the pH level below 7.0 and above 6.0 and maintain soft water. A regular sponge filter will suffice for the filtering purposes as Neon Tetras only produce a small bioload. Remember to perform a 25% water change each week.

Question | Answer |
Size | 1 inch |
Origin | Venezuela |
Care Level | Easy |
Temperament | 70°F to 81°F |
Water condition | 7.0 to 8.0 pH, Highly oxygenated waters. Since this is a small tank, 15% water change must be done frequently. It usually is recommended to do a water change every 2 days—30% change weekly. |
Compatibility | Peaceful and like to live in schools |
Tank Setup | Set up your one-gallon tank is a Freshwater (planted) tank |
Feeding | You can keep them food pallets, and avoid adding large amounts. Can degrade water. |
lifespan normal / in a one-gallon tank | In a large tank, they will live up to 2 to 3 years, but in a one-gallon tank, they leave less than 2 years |
How many Neon Tetra can go in a 1-gallon tank? | Less than 3. (1 gallon of water can house one inch of fish) |
Aquarium gear | Aquarium heater, Aquarium light, aeration pump |
Read more What Is A Ghost Carp? All on Magical Fish
Read more New Tank Syndrome – 10 Things You Should Know
The Zebra Danio
The Zebra Danio fish can be called one of the most famous freshwater species in an aquarium. They are popular as the Striped Danio or Zebrafish too. This fish can be known as a small freshwater fish.
Danios are the perfect fish for any amateur fish keeper because they are a very hardy and social fish species. They will surely add glamour to any community aquarium or tank. They can be found as shoaling species and will have a wide range of color variations.
Furthermore, they add a touch of animation and diversity to your aquarium. Zebra Danio is a relatively social species and usually exhibits shoaling behavior. They sometimes demonstrate a hierarchical system of authority established in a non-aggressive and playful manner.
Freshwater plants like Amazon Sword Plants and Java Fern will be nice additions to the aquarium as you can make the dissolved oxygen concentration in the water high. These plants also act as ideal hiding places making your tank look awesome and natural at the same time.
The type of filtration system you need will differ depending on your tank’s volume. The number of fish in the aquarium. Therefore, the Zebra Danio would be an excellent selection for a 1gallon tank.

Question | Answer |
Size | 1.5 inches |
Origin | South and Southeast Asia |
Care level | Easy |
Temperament | 65 and 77°F |
Water condition | 6.5 to 7.2 pH, Highly oxygenated waters. Since this is a small tank, 15% water change must be done frequently. It usually is recommended to do a water change every 2 days—30% change weekly. |
Compatibility | Peaceful and like to live in schools |
Tank Setup | Set up your one-gallon tank is a Freshwater (planted) tank |
Feeding | You can keep them on food pallets, and avoid adding large amounts. Can degrade water. |
lifespan normal / in one-gallon tank | In a large tank, they will live up to 2 to 3 years, but in a one-gallon tank, they leave less than 2 years |
How many Zebra Danio can go in a 1 gallon tank? | Less than 3, (1 gallon of water can house one inch of fish) |
Aquarium gear | Aquarium heater, Aquarium light, aeration pump |
The White Cloud Mountain Minnow
These fish are a type of tropical fish. They are world-famous because of their unique beauty. The White Cloud Mountain Minnow’s scientific name is Tanichthys albonubes.
These fish are excellent for beginners as they are not messy, easy to care for, and behave well in community settings.Minnow fish can make a great addition to a 1-gallon tank concerning all these.
These fish live for around 5 to 7 years and are well-liked as a suitable species for beginner fish keepers and 1-gallon tanks. White Minnows can be found at any aquarium supplier shop or pet shop, including chain stores.
This type will not harass or compete with their other tank mates; they make excellent community fish. White Cloud Mountain Minnows are very small, reaching the highest length of only 1.5 inches in their lifetime. Despite their small size, they are perfect for your 1-gallon tank.

Question | Answer |
Size | 1.5 inches |
Origin | China |
Care level | Easy |
Temperament | 64 to 72°F |
Water condition | 6.8-7.5 pH. Since this is a small tank, 15% water change must be done frequently. It usually is recommended to do a water change every 2 days—30% change weekly. |
Compatibility | Peaceful and like to live in schools |
Tank Setup | Set up your one-gallon tank is a Freshwater (planted) tank |
Feeding | You can keep them on food pallets, and avoid adding large amounts. Can degrade water. |
lifespan normal / in a one-gallon tank | In a large tank, they will live up to 5 to 7 years, but in a one-gallon tank, they leave less than 4 years |
How many White Cloud Mountain Minnow can go in a 1 gallon tank? | Less than 3. (1 gallon of water can house one inch of fish) |
Aquarium gear | Aquarium light, aeration pump |
Pygmy Corydoras
Pygmy Corydoras is a very friendly group of fish to most aquarists. The Pygmy Cory’s scientific name is Corydoras pygmaeus, and they are also called Pygmy Catfish.
Pygmy Corydoras are a type of small freshwater species from the Corydoradinae sub-family. Although this fish is commonly seen in the Madeira River basin in Brazil, most of its populations are spread all around South America. Being a small species, they live only around three years, unlike other bigger aquarium fish species.
But this type would be an ideal fish for your 1-gallon tank. They can be easily added to a community aquarium as they are very well-behaved and non-aggressive fish. Even though you have a 1-gallon fish tank, be sure to set it up well so that the fish you own can be healthy while being active, which is a very pleasant sight.

Question | Answer |
Size | Up to 1 inch |
Origin | South and Southeast Asia , Brazil |
Care Level | Easy |
Temperament | 72-79°F |
Water condition | 6.8-7.5 pH. Since this is a small tank, 20% water change must be done frequently. It usually is recommended to do a water change every 2 days—30% change weekly. |
Compatibility | Peaceful and like to live in schools |
Tank Setup | Set up your one-gallon tank is a Freshwater (planted) tank |
Feeding | You can keep them on food pallets, and avoid adding large amounts. Can degrade water. |
lifespan normal / in a one-gallon tank | In a large tank, they will live up to 3 years, but in a one-gallon tank, they leave less than 2 years |
How many Pygmy Corydoras can go in a 1-gallon tank? | Less than 2, cant house a pair. (1 gallon of water can house one inch of fish) |
Aquarium gear | Aquarium light, aeration pump |
Pea Pufferfish
The Pea Puffer is a tiny and intelligent fish that is surely a great inclusion to any tank. Carinotetraodon travancoricus is Pea Puffer’s scientific name.
This fish also has several other names, including the Pygmy Pufferfish, Pea Puffer Fish, Dwarf Puffer Fish, Dwarf Pea Puffer, and the Malabar Pufferfish. The Dwarf Puffer Fish are believed to be coming from rivers, lakes, and deltas in Southwest India. The water conditions fluctuate among each body of water with a pH range from 6.5 to 8.5 and a water temperature of 74 to 82°F.
They have got their name due to their size.Pea Pufferfish is one of the smallest types of fish in the family and usually grow only to 1.4 inches of maximum size. This fish is recommended to have in a 1-gallon tank due to its unique features.

Question | Answer |
Size | Up to 1.4 inches |
Origin | Southwest India |
Care Level | Easy |
Temperament | 74 to 82°F |
Water condition | 6.5 to 8.5 pH, Highly oxygenated waters. Since this is a small tank, 10% water change must be done frequently. It usually is recommended to do a water change every 2 days—30% change weekly. |
Compatibility | Peaceful and humble with other tankmates, Limited compatibility |
Tank Setup | Set up your one-gallon tank is a Freshwater (planted) tank with bottoms substrate so the fish will comfort in it |
Feeding | You can keep them on food pallets, and freeze-dried food. But make sure you do not all feed them because this is a small tank. |
lifespan normal / in a one-gallon tank | In a large tank, they will live up to 4 years, but in a one-gallon tank they leave less than 2 years |
How many Pea Pufferfish can go in a 1-gallon tank? | Only One, cant house a pair. (1 gallon of water can house one inch of fish) |
Aquarium gear | Aquarium light, aeration pump |
Sixray corydoras
Sixray Corydoras’ scientific name is Aspidoras pauciradiatus, It has a pale color and dark spots spread all over its body. The average size of this fish is 1.1 inches.
This fish can be kept in a small 1-gallon tank but is not recommended. They can tilt their eyes, which appear like blinking the eyes.
Sixray Corydoras have a highly vascularized gut making them facultative air breathers. Their gut enables the uptake of atmospheric oxygen. Therefore they surface to take some air. Also, tanks should not be closed at the top as this fish can breathe atmospheric air.
You should include a sandy substrate or round gravel in your tank as sharp gravel may injure its barbels. Aspidoras pauciradiatus has tough pectoral spines that can easily cut through human skin.
Therefore, they should be handled using a plastic container and with great care. These fish are scaleless, making them defenseless against salt. So, you should be cautious when adding salt to the aquarium, as it can hurt them.

Question | Answer |
Size | Up to 1.1 inches |
Origin | South America, |
Care level | Hard |
Temperament | 71 to 77°F |
Water condition | 6.0 – 7.2pH, Highly oxygenated soft water. Since this is a small tank, 10% water change must be done frequently. It usually is recommended to do a water change every 2 days—30% change weekly. |
Compatibility | Limited compatibility due to spines |
Tank Setup | Set up your one-gallon tank is a Freshwater (planted) tank with bottoms substrate so the fish will comfort in it |
Feeding | Omnivorous fish. You can keep them on food pallets, and freeze-dried food. But make sure you do not all feed them because this is a small tank. |
lifespan normal / in a one-gallon tank | In a large tank, they will live up to 27 years, but in a one-gallon tank, they leave less than 10 years |
How many Sixray Corydoras can go in a 1 gallon tank? | Only One cant house a pair. (1 gallon of water can house one inch of fish) |
Aquarium gear | Aquarium light, aeration pump, filter system |
The Scarlet Badis
If you search for an easy-to-care-for freshwater fish for your 1-gallon tank, the Scarlet Badis is the ideal fish for you. The male fish have beautiful bright colors that almost look like living rubies. The Scarlet Badis’s scientific name is Dario dari, and it is a peaceful, colorful fish from the Badidae family. This fish has another name Scarlet Gem Badis and is one of the most undervalued freshwater fish species. They are popular among nano-aquarium owners due to their peaceful nature and elegant appearance. Can keep in a 1-gallon tank, but at least 5 gallons are preferred.
This fish can be a bit demanding regarding feeding and water changing routines. You might suddenly find them dead in the tank for no evident reason.
When nearing the end of their lives, they will exhibit brighter colors in the body as the male attempts to produce offspring ahead of dying. Also, the Scarlet Badis are of a peaceful and shy nature, they are easily frightened by more aggressive and more agile fish. This is why it is a good idea to include other small peaceful fish to share the tank.

Question | Answer |
Size | Less than 1 inch |
Origin | South America, |
Care Level | Intermediate |
Temperament | 71 to 79°F |
Water condition | 6.50 – 7.2pH, Highly oxygenated waters. Since this is a small tank, 10% water change must be done frequently. It usually is recommended to do a water change every 2 days—30% change weekly. |
Compatibility | High compatibility |
Tank Setup | Set up your one-gallon tank as a Freshwater (planted) tank with bottoms substrate so the fish will comfort in it |
Feeding | Omnivorous fish. You can keep them on food pallets, freeze-dried food. But make sure you do not all feed them because this is a small tank. |
lifespan normal / in one-gallon tank | In a large tank, they will live up to 3-6 years, but in a one-gallon tank, they leave less than 1 years |
How many Scarlet Badis can go in a 1 gallon tank? | Only One, cant house a pair. (1 gallon of water can house one inch of fish) |
Aquarium gear | Aquarium light, aeration pump, filter system |
Dwarf Spotted Danios
Dwarf Spotted Danios is a stunning fish with the benefits of multiple danios combined. It has a soft gray-colored body, stripes and spots, and a delicate net of dorsal scales. This is one of the tiniest members of the danios group. The common names of these fish are Dwarf danio and Dwarf spotted danio.
This fish has a moderately-rounded, laterally-elongated fusiform shape. The size is diminutive. Their fins are moderately lengthy, and they are rounded with a homocercal caudal fin. Also, Male members of this species look slim compared to their female counterparts, who also appear to have more resonant bodies.
This fish enjoys the most extended tank that you can afford and even the 1-gallon tank. A 1-gallon tank can be established using a substrate of gravel, small stones, or small, variably-sized stones shaped by water flows.

Question | Answer |
Size | Up to 1.5 inch |
Origin | Northern Myanmar |
Care Level | Intermediate |
Temperament | 741 to 82°F |
Water condition | 6.50 – 7.0 pH, Highly oxygenated waters. Since this is a small tank, 10% water change must be done frequently. It usually is recommended to do a water change every 2 days—30% change weekly. |
Compatibility | High compatibility, Peaceful schooling fish |
Tank Setup | Set up your one-gallon tank as a Freshwater (planted) tank with bottoms substrate so the fish will comfort in it |
Feeding | Omnivorous fish. You can keep them on food pallets, and freeze-dried food. But make sure you do not all feed them because this is a small tank. |
lifespan normal / in a one-gallon tank | In a large tank, they will live up to 3years, but in a one-gallon tank, they leave less than 1 years |
How many Dwarf Spotted Danios can go in a 1-gallon tank? | Only One, cant house a pair. (1 gallon of water can house one inch of fish) |
Aquarium gear | Aquarium light, aeration pump, filter system |
Like any fish or snail, a pet comes in all shapes and different colors and designs. Snails usually can live a good long life, which spans about three to five years.
But, when it comes to an aquarium setting, they can live up to 10 years as they provide ideal living conditions. Many species have built-in hard shells desired by the fish owners, making them add snails to their fish tanks. Apart from their beautiful shells/homes, many freshwater aquarium snails are beneficial. While adding a tinge of the new color to the aquarium, they increase the good bacteria in your aquarium.
Snails help you much in taking care of the cleanliness of your tanks. They act as cleaners removing dangerous material from the glass walls and the bottom of your tank. Including a small snail in your 1-gallon tank can help you, your fish, and the tank in many ways.

Shrimp is the most exciting and beautiful option you can put in your tank if you are looking for a new addition to your aquarium. First of all, you should know what variety of shrimp might suit best for your tank.
Most of the well-liked freshwater shrimp types originated in Eastern Asia, with the ghost shrimp, which are native to the American South, being the only dazzling exception. Even though larger species need 10 gallons of the aquarium, smaller shrimp types can quickly grow in a 1-gallon tank. Live plants are right for them, but you should confirm that the substrate is optimal for shrimps.
There are many shrimp species varieties, and you can have a shrimp in your 1-gallon tank after selecting the best one for you.

What types of fish can stay in a 1-gallon tank?
Most amateur fish keepers want to begin with a smaller tank, something about 1 gallon. If you are new to this field, you might want to begin small as it is an excellent option to learn about the subject.
Even with a small tank, if you use your creative mind, you can have a nice-looking aquarium with some cold fish in it. So, it is recommended to have small fish like Betta Fish, Endler Guppies, Sparkling Gourami, Ember Tetras, Endler’s Live Bearers, Neon Tetra, Zebra Danios, White Cloud Minnows, Pygmy Corydoras, Pea Pufferfish, Six-ray Corydoras, Scarlet Badis, Dwarf Spotted Danios, Snails, Shrimps in your 1-gallon tank.
Keeping fish in 1-gallon tank – What do you need to know?
If you are a starter and thinking of getting a small fish and thinking what type of tank will be right for him 1-gallon tank will be suitable. But you should first think of the fish and their swimming space requirements and optimal water conditions. The tank should have clean, filtered water that remains constant at around 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit.
You should keep some hiding spots for the fish and provide only a lazy current of water that would not push them around in the tank.
What aquarium plants to add to a 1-gallon tank?
Fish need aquarium plants for various purposes such as food, comfort, safety, and proliferation. These plants are imperative if you want your aquarium environment to be healthy yet vibrant. Most aquarium plants can tolerate changes in water chemistry and temperature to some extent; however, some can be very sensitive.
It is not that difficult to have aquatic plants in your freshwater tank. You can succeed with a little knowledge, guidance, and most importantly, practice. There is a wide array of aquatic plants you can choose from for your freshwater tank.
Crypt wendtii, Cryptocoryne, Pygmy Chain Sword, Water Wisteria, Java Moss, Amazon Sword, Java Fern, Anubias, and Anubias Nana, are some examples of them.
How often should the water in a 1-gallon tank be changed?
It is better to change 10 to 15 percent of the water each week in your tank. Water should be changed routinely in your aquarium maintenance practice. The regularity can differ slightly based on the volume of the aquarium and the quantity of fish. Smaller and heavily packed tanks need water changes more often than spacious and freely stocked aquariums.
A 10 to 15 percent chance of the water is recommended each week. That will enhance the beauty, health of your fish and aquatic plants in your 1-gallon tank as well.
How many fish are in a 1-gallon tank?
The number of fish in your tank depends on the fish type and what type of aquatic plants you are putting on your 1-gallon tank, while the one-inch of fish per gallon rule is a reasonable yardstick. There cannot be too many fish in a 1-gallon tank as the fish need space for swimming and well-being.
How to maintain a small tank ecosystem?
Adding a few select components to your standard kit will help you convert your standard freshwater tank to a flourishing ecosystem aquarium. You can easily maintain your small tank ecosystem by providing an ecosystem filter and adding a suitable substrate.
And also, you can provide shelter for ecosystem residents. You should consider eliminating chlorine from water. You can enhance the health of your fish and aquatic life by removing the water from the tank at least twice a week.
Wrap up.
All of the fish mentioned here can live in a one-gallon tank, but they may need more space to live. Therefore, it is always recommended for You to go for 5-gallon or 10-gallon tanks when keeping fish. When stocking the tank, One gallon of water should be stocked with one inch of fish length, keep in mind.
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