The Yellowfin Flasher Wrasse is a fish that’s sure to turn heads in any aquarium. With its striking appearance and lively personality, it’s no wonder that this species has become a popular choice for hobbyists around the world.
But before you bring a Yellowfin Flasher Wrasse home, it’s important to understand its care requirements to ensure that it thrives in its new environment. In this blog post, we’ll dive into everything you need to know about caring for Yellowfin Flasher Wrasse, from their ideal tank setup to their feeding habits and common health issues. So, let’s get started!

One look Care guide
Jump To
- 1 One look Care guide
- 2 More about them
- 3 How big do Yellowfin Flasher Wrasse get?
- 4 Are they aggressive?
- 5 Yellowfin Flasher Wrasse behavior
- 6 How long do Yellowfin Flasher Wrasse live?
- 7 Yellowfin Flasher Wrasse care
- 8 Yellowfin Flasher Wrasse breeding
- 9 Feeding behavior of Yellowfin Flasher Wrasse
- 10 What fish can live with Yellowfin Flasher Wrasse?
- 11 Related questions
Scientific name | Paracheilinus flavianalis |
Common name | Yellowfin flasher wrasse |
Care level | Intermediate |
Native to | Indonesia and northwestern Australia |
Type | Saltwater |
Color | Bright yellow, orange and blue |
Tank size | 50 to 55 gallons |
Prefered temperature | 22-26 degrees Celsius (72-78 degrees F) |
Other water parameters (ammonia,etc) | pH 8.1-8.4 |
Prefered salinity | 1.020-1.025 |
Size | 8 to 8.5 cm |
Growth rate | Moderate |
Temperament | Peaceful |
Recommended tank mates | Any tank mate other than large predators |
Preferred food | Brine shrimp Mysis shrimp Flakes Pellets Frozen food |
Feeding frequency | Three to four times per day |
Breeding | Through spawning (rare in captivity) |
More about them
Their fins are transparent as well. The dorsal fin on the posterior side is yellow, the base is red, and the rump is transparent. The name “flasher” gets due to electric neon blue color spots spread in a beautiful pattern. The Yellowfin Flasher wrasse is a reef fish and lives in oceans near reefs.
Their native land is Indonesia and Australia. The wrasse family is scientifically known as the Labridae family which was one of the largest and most diverse families, with over 600 species in 81 genera, which are divided into 9 subgroups or tribes. They belong to the genera Paracheilinus and the class Actinopterygii. It is scientifically named Paracheilinus flavianalis. They are categorized under the least concern group in IUCN records.
Looking for tips on how to identify different species of wrasse fish? Our guide has all the information you need!” – wrasse fish
How big do Yellowfin Flasher Wrasse get?
They can grow up to a maximum length of 3.1 inches (8 to 8.5 cm). There is no established record of the weight of these species. However, they are small fishes with negligible weight.
Are they aggressive?
Yellowfin Flasher wrasses are calm and coexist with other wrasse species or other fish. They are rarely aggressive with other fishes except during their breeding season. During their breeding season, male flasher wrasse can be aggressive and territorial.
Yellowfin Flasher Wrasse behavior
These small fish are very active and swim very fast. They swim for foods very fast and grab them more instantly than others in a community tank. The yellowfin flasher wrasses are solitary animals and love to be alone most of the time. However, they also dwell as small groups too.
During the breeding season, they form a group with one male with many females which is called a harem. Forming a harem is a common behavior among wrasse.
The yellowfin flasher wrasses earn their name, accounting for their flashing behavior. The male of this species performs this behavior of displaying colors as an act of courting display. While doing so, they also keep flashing their fins.
They are commonly peaceful species and during the breeding season, they can be aggressive and territorial.
The sleeping behavior of Yellowfin flasher fish is interesting. They are cocoon mucus spinners as an act of sleeping behavior. They do not bury themselves in the sand while sleeping at night. Instead, they spin the cocoon with their mucus and stay still in it.
The cocoon protects them from predators. In addition, it masks their scent and it will help to get rid of parasites too.
How long do Yellowfin Flasher Wrasse live?
They have a short life span which is four to five years in captivity. However, their lifespan depends on the conditions of the aquarium too.
Yellowfin Flasher Wrasse care
Fish size
These are small fish and the maximum length of them is 3.1 inches (8 to 8.5 cm).
Tank size
Since they are small fish the minimum tank for them is 50 to 55 gallons tank. They need quite a large space regardless of their small size.
How many of them should be kept together?
Since they are small and peaceful fish only the size of the aquarium matters for the number of fish that can be kept in the aquarium. However, it is always good to add only one male to one aquarium. Preferably, one male can be kept with four to six female wrasses.
Tank setup
In the wild, the Yellowfin flasher fish likes to swim near reefs and rocks. They get protection and safety from reef slopes and rocks to avoid larger predator fish. In the aquarium, they like being near the bottom of the tank. They prefer sandy bottom and live rocks. Make sure to have enough sand in the bottom of the tank as they like to play with sand.
It is good to put plenty of rocks and stones in the aquarium to provide them with hiding places while keeping the space they need.
They are diurnal animals and therefore need to give plenty of light during day time. It is good to have an additional light source if the aquarium does not get much sunlight. Although they are peaceful and friendly fish, they do like a large tank. Therefore, make sure to put them in a tank of at least 80 and up to 200 liters with plenty of their own space.,
Like many members of the wrasse family, they are good jumpers. Therefore it is a good idea to set a canopy on the tank. However, they can detect small gaps in the lid and jump very accurately through them. These little fish are known as escape artists and therefore some experts suggest a roof or lid is not enough to retain them in the tank.
They suggest putting a layer of netting below the tank lid to make sure that they can not jump from the tank.
They are considered by experts and enthusiasts to be quite reef safe and will live in harmony with everybody except micro-invertebrates.
Water quality condition
Water quality is one of the main factors that affect the health and wellbeing of fish. Therefore, need to ensure that water keeps circulating and moving while maintaining the quality of water. As they are tropical fish who lives in shallow water, the water of the aquarium should be set at 22-26 degrees Celsius (72-78 degrees F). The pH should be in the range of 8.1-8.4, while the salinity at 1.020-1.025.
Regular filtering is important to keep the above conditions. The selection of the filter type is another important factor. As they are small fish they can trap in the filter and pipes. More on, need to observe the tank and the filters regularly if you planned to introduce fingerlings to the tank.
Yellowfin Flasher Wrasse breeding
Male or female identification
The yellowfin flasher wrasse is sexually dimorphic, which means the males and females of this species can identify easily by just looking at them. The males are bestowed with more colors than the females. Though both males and females own orange, red, and yellow, the males have bright colors than the females.
The males of this species are easily identified by characteristic blue flasher streaks that highlight when the fish are excited. The pelvic fins of the males are white or blue and they have pink caudal fins. Also, the males have elongated dorsal fins which are absent in females. The females are orange-red with a black spot on the caudal fin.
In addition Like many members of the wrasse family, they are hermaphroditic. They change their gender from female to male in the absence of male wrasse. Generally, the most dominant female of the group/harem turned to male.
Yellowfin Flasher Wrasse breeding
The Yellowfin flasher wrasse fertilizes through spawning. During spawning, both fish will swim rapidly upwards in a water column while releasing the eggs and milt. The females of the Yellowfin flasher wrasses release 1000 eggs into the sea when they reproduce in their natural environment.
The eggs get fertilized with the help of currents and the fertilized eggs are carried here and there by currents until the fry are free swimmers. Then they move to the bottom of the sea as they love to be at the bottom.
Though it is not technically hard to breed them in aquariums there are no records for the breeding in aquariums.
This is because they need a very large and tall aquarium as they spawn with pelagic eggs. More on, they need a large room for their natural breeding dance and spawning. Anyway, if you try to breed them, the ideal situation is putting one male with more than three females in a harem.
Feeding behavior of Yellowfin Flasher Wrasse
What do they eat ( in the wild and in an aquarium)
The Yellowfin Flasher Wrasse are carnivores. In the wild, they like to eat the zooplankton that swims above the reef. Fish accept aquariums, a variety of foods such as brine shrimp, Mysis shrimp, and other meaty proteins like squid, clam, and mussels. In addition, they accept marine flake or pellet food as well. It is good to supplement their protein meals with seaweed strips or vegetation-based flakes or pellets to ensure they have a balanced diet.
As they adapt well to aquariums they also adapt well to frozen foods too. Some aquarists noted that they prefer thawed or even warmed food to frozen foods. Also, it is good to warm food to kill off any parasites that may have been lurking in the food.
How often should you feed
These small fish has a high metabolism and therefore need to feed them several times a day. It is good to offer a small amount of food several times preferably 3 to 4 times per day than large meals rather than a couple of larger ones. Keep in mind not to overfeed them as they can eat a small amount and the rest of the food will ruin the water quality of the tank.
When should you feed (time of the day)
As they are diurnal fish better to feed them during the daytime
How long they can go without food
They feed on zooplankton and rarely pick at organisms on live rock. Therefore, unless you feed them regularly they cant thrive in the aquarium. Simply, You shouldn’t leave them for longer periods without someone to make sure they are regularly fed.
What fish can live with Yellowfin Flasher Wrasse?
These beautiful small wrasses are perfectly suited to a community saltwater aquarium. They are peaceful with their own species and other species. However, keep in mind not to put two males of Yellowfin flasher wrasse together. As long as one male keeps with many females the peace of the aquarium remain! As they are peaceful, you have a wide variety of perfect tank mates to choose from.
They cannot be kept with large predators as they will be prey for them. Dwarf Lionfish, Dwarf Angels, Pajama Cardinals, Diamond Watchman Goby, and Mimic Saddle Filefish are some examples of the tank mates for Yellowfin.
Keep in mind to use a large tank if you wish to keep many species in one tank as these fish demands space regardless of their small size.
Related questions
Are Yellowfin Flasher Wrasse aggressive?
No, they are very peaceful fish. However, keeping two males in one aquarium may arise problems during their mating season. Therefore, you can add one male with many females of this species. They are not aggressive on other species too.
How big does Yellowfin Flasher Wrasse get?
They are quite small fish and grow up to 3 to 4 inches.
Can Yellowfin Flasher Wrasse live in a pond?
Yes, they can as long as you provide their preferred standards. However, as they are good jumpers you need to cover the pond with a canopy that does not have even a small hole. As this cannot be done practically these species are not kept in ponds.
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