Mollies and guppies are among the favorite choices of most aquarists around the world because of their reasonably peaceful, easy to care nature. Both fish species are colorful and have unique appearances that attract people. While keeping only one fish species alone will make your aquarium attractive, having both species can bring it more color. But, Do mollies and guppies get along?
Yes. Both fish species belong to the genus Poecilia and have the relatively same behavior and requirements. Since both species are small fish with a peaceful nature, they can get along well in one aquarium.
However, you have to keep a few things in mind when keeping both mollies and guppies in the same aquarium. So read on to learn all you need to know!

Do mollies and guppies get along?
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Yes, both fish species can get along well in the same aquarium. They share the same requirements and have a relatively similar nature.
This makes it easy to care for them together. However, you need to keep a few things in mind when keeping mollies and guppies together.
First, make sure that your tank is large enough to accommodate both species. The tank should have at least 30 gallons of water to allow plenty of swimming space.
Second, because both fish are omnivores, provide a varied diet to ensure both fish get the nutrients they need.
Third, keep an eye on the water parameters and ensure they are maintained at a suitable level for both fish.
Finally, be sure to provide plenty of hiding places for both species. This will help reduce stress and make the aquarium more peaceful.
Do mollies hurt guppies?
Mollies have a tendency to nip at other fish when their tank requirements are not met.
Especially when the tank is too small, and the water is polluted already, mollies can become aggressive and try to fight with other fish.
As guppies are more peaceful than mollies, guppies become the bullied in this case. While this may not lead to fatal fights, mollies still can hurt guppies.
Difference between guppy and molly
If you decide to keep mollies and guppies together, it is essential to know the differences between the two fish species. By understanding these differences, you can ensure a better environment in your aquarium for both species.
The main difference is that guppies are smaller than mollies. Guppies also have a more elongated body shape, while mollies are more stocky.
How big do guppies get?
The average size of a guppy fish is about 1.5 inches, while some guppies grow to be around 3 inches in length in rare cases.
How big do mollies get?
Mollies are typically larger than guppies and can grow up to 4 inches in size.
Guppies are much more peaceful than mollies and will not attack other fish as readily as mollies. In fact, guppies are one of the most popular fish for community tanks because of their passive nature.
Both fish species are very active and will explore just about everywhere in the aquarium during the daytime. If you see any fish hiding most of the time, it is an indication that the aquarium is too small or that other fish are harassing the fish.
Both mollies and guppies are omnivores and will eat a variety of food items.
Mollies are more colorful than guppies. Mollies come in various colors, including black, white, red, and yellow. Guppies are duller in color, with only a few colors being present on their bodies.
Habitat and tank requirements
Guppies are freshwater fish that inhabit streams, rivers, and tributaries in South America. They require dense vegetation around them to provide cover and feel safe.
Mollies are brackish water fish, but they can survive in both fresh water and saltwater.
They are often found in estuaries and coastal waters, but it is not uncommon to see them in freshwater habitats. Mollies prefer a more salty environment but will do well in freshwater tanks.
Guppies can satisfy their needs in a 10-gallon tank. But, mollies need at least a 30-gallon tank if you want to keep more than one.
Both mollies and guppies share the same requirements for water temperature. They both prefer a temperature range of 72-82 degrees Fahrenheit (22-28 degrees Celsius).
However, guppies are more tolerant of a broader range of water conditions and can survive in temperatures as low as 64F (18 degrees Celsius).
Mollies require more stable water conditions than guppies. The water parameters for both fish should be pH of 7.5-8.5, a water hardness of 10-30 dGH, and a water temperature of 72-82 degrees Fahrenheit (22-28 degrees Celsius).
How many mollies and guppies can live in a 10-gallon tank?
As a general rule, you should keep only one inch of fish in a one-gallon tank.
So, you can keep about six guppies in a 10-gallon tank. But if you plan to keep mollies with guppies, this amount should be lower.
The maximum amount of mollies that can fit into a 10-gallon tank is three. As mollies are larger than guppies, they require more space to thrive.
However, this is not advised as mollies may nip at guppies because of lack of space. If you want to keep both fish in one tank, you would have to go with at least a 30-gallon tank.
What if they breed in the tank?
Suppose you successfully keep both fish in one tank.
Since both fish species are livebearers, you will likely see fry (baby fish) in the tank at some point.
However, the survival of fish fries is not guaranteed as both fish species do not exhibit parental care. Further, both fish species practice cannibalism and eat their own fry, mistaking them for food.
If you have dense vegetation in the tank, your fish babies will still have a chance to survive as they will hide from the adult fish. However, if there is little or no vegetation in the tank, the fry will not survive for long.
Will mollies eat guppy fry?
Yes. As mollies are omnivore fish, small fish and fish fries are part of their diet.
They will eat guppy fry if they are available. So, it is not advisable to keep mollies and guppy fry together in the same tank.
Will guppies eat molly fry?
Yes. Molly fry is also part of the diet for adult guppies. So, if you have guppies and molly fry in the same tank, the guppies will likely eat the molly fry.
Will mollies and guppies crossbreed?
Since these fish are on the same genus in the same family, there is a chance for them to crossbreed.
However, the chances are slim as the two fish have different physical features. Further, guppies are not found in the same habitat as mollies.
So, while mollies and guppies can crossbreed, the likelihood of this happening is low.
But, when you keep both species in the same aquarium, they may crossbreed, especially if you limit their male-to-female ratio. But it is a rare phenomenon, and it will not produce many fries.
Challenges in keeping guppies and mollies together in the tank
Now you know that mollies and guppies can get along well in the same aquarium. But are there any challenges you need to be aware of when keeping these two fish together?
Yes, there are a few challenges you need to keep in mind when keeping these two fish together.
Water parameters
The water parameters for both fish should be closely monitored and kept in the same range.
As mollies require more stable water conditions, you may have to do more frequent water changes if the water parameters start to drift outside of the molly’s preferred range.
Since mollies are larger than guppies, they may bully the guppies in the tank.
Mollies are also known to be nippy fish, and they may nip at the guppies because of lack of space. So, if you want to keep both fish in one tank, you would have to go with at least a 30-gallon tank.
Both fish species are livebearers, and you will likely see fry (baby fish) in the tank at some point.
If the fish fries survive somehow, the tank will not be enough to accompany them all. In this case, you will have to separate the fish fries or get rid of them.
Related questions
Can guppies, mollies, and tetras live together?
Yes. Tetras are as peaceful and friendly as guppies and mollies. Further, they are in the same size range. So, all three fish can live together without any problem.
Can guppies, mollies, and platies live together?
Yes. Platies are in the same size range and as peaceful as guppies and mollies. So, all three fish can live together without any problem.
Can I keep two male mollies together?
Yes, keep monitoring the tank as the two males may fight for dominance.
Can I keep two female mollies together?
Yes, you can keep as many females as you want in the tank but ensure plenty of hiding places for them. As mentioned earlier, mollies are nippy fish, and they may nip the other fish if they don’t have enough space.
Guppies and mollies are two of the most popular aquarium fish. They are both easy to care for and can live together without any problem.
However, there are a few challenges you need to be aware of when keeping these two fish together.
These include maintaining water parameters in check and ensuring enough space for both fish.
Further, be mindful that there is a chance for the two fish to crossbreed. So, if you are looking to keep both fish in one tank, make sure you have a larger aquarium.
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