Carpenter’s flasher wrasse is a great member of your marine aquarium because they are relatively small, quite peaceful, and reef safe. Their unique appearance and colorfulness double their value. So, who doesn’t want to rear a fish like this? Believe me; if you have a Carpenter’s flasher, it will be your great saltwater pet.

More about Carpenter’s Flasher Wrasse?
Jump To
- 1 More about Carpenter’s Flasher Wrasse?
- 2 How does Big Do Carpenter’s Flasher Wrasse get?
- 3 Are they Aggressive?
- 4 Their Behavior
- 5 How Long Do Carpenter’s Flasher Wrasses Live?
- 6 One look Care guide
- 7 Carpenter’s Flasher Wrasse Care
- 8 Carpenter’s flasher wrasse breeding
- 9 Carpenter’s Flasher Wrasse diet
- 10 What fish can live with Carpenter’s flasher wrasse?
- 11 Related questions
This fish is a beautiful saltwater fish species of wrasse. Some hobbyists recognize these fish species as Carpenter’s wrasse and Redfin Flasher wrasse. Their scientific name is Paracheilinus carpenteri and belongs to the genus Paracheilinus.
However, they exhibit large different body and color patterns between juvenile and adult stages. Generally, it is a famous fish species among fish lovers. Thus they are one of the easier wrasses to keep in captivity. Plus, they are adapting quickly. So, this nice fish species is ideal for even beginners.
Since the juvenile stage, has been a most colorful fish species. The juvenile fish body is decorated with orange color and blue vertical stripes. Overtime when they become mature, the coloration becomes fantastic. Matured fish has a yellow color with a series of broken blue horizontal stripes. Also, the dorsal fin has three elongated red rays accented with yellows and blues. However, it is native to the Western Pacific Ocean. Usually, they can be found in reef nature depths from 27-45 m or 89-148 ft.
Want to know more about keeping wrasse fish in your aquarium? Our comprehensive guide has all the information you need!” – wrasse fish
How does Big Do Carpenter’s Flasher Wrasse get?
They can reach up to 3 inches in size. But simply, your care level can decide whether your fish reach their maximum size or not. So, their health and growth are in your hand.
Are they Aggressive?
Generally, it is peaceful fish species. Also, the special thing is they do not make trouble with corals and do not hurt any invertebrates. So, they are brilliant choices for your community reef tank. Exceptionally, there is a possibility that they chase other fish that has a similar shape to them.
But this behavior cannot often see because it is infrequent and mild. In addition, male fish shows aggressive behaviors towards other male Carpenter’s wrasses. To reduce this aggression, you can keep one male fish in the tank. In addition to that, they are reef safe. So, you can keep them in a reef tank without any issue.
Their Behavior
Generally, it is a bit shy and peaceful fish species. However, you can see the very friendly behavior of non-related fish species. On the other hand, you should make sure that your tank has a closed lid. Because Carpenter’s flasher wrasses are good jumpers, they have the ability to jump out of their tank. So be careful!
How Long Do Carpenter’s Flasher Wrasses Live?
According to the records, their lifespan is around 5 to 8. But the point of view of some hobbyists, according to their experience, is that their lifespan is limited to 4 years. However, there is no significant information on how long this fish species takes to reach the juvenile stage and how long the juvenile stage lasts. But, as usual, the care level can encourage your fish to live a long healthy life.
One look Care guide
Scientific name | Paracheilinus carpenteri |
Common name | Carpenter’s flasher wrasse Carpenter’s wrasse Redfin Flasher wrasse |
Care level | Easy |
Native to | Western Pacific Ocean |
Type | Saltwater fish |
Color | Juvenile Carpenter’s flasher wrasse’s – orange color and blue vertical stripes Matured Carpenter’s flasher wrasse- yellow color with blue horizontal stirpes |
Tank size | 55 gallons |
Preferred temperature | 72 to 78 Fahrenheit |
Other water parameters | Ph level- 8.1-8.4 Water hardness- dKH 8 to 12 |
Preferred salinity | 1.020-1.025 |
Growth rate | No exact growth rate |
Temperament | Peaceful for non-related fish species |
Recommended tank mates | Any saltwater peaceful fish species |
Preferred food | Frozen shrimps Mussels Crab meat Daphnia Small brine shrimps Mysis shrimps |
Feeding frequency | 3 times per day |
breeding | Difficult in the home aquarium |
Carpenter’s Flasher Wrasse Care
Comparatively, they are easy to rare in captivity. But it will only get easier if you take good care of your fish. So, here I mentioned are fundamental and vital factors when it turns to their care.
Tank size
When we turn to care of this fish, the key step is ensuring that your fish lives in a proper habitat. If you keep one fish, you should have at least 20 gallons aquarium. On the other hand, you can keep a small group of fish in 55 gallons of water.
But it is the minimum size for a group. However, if you wish to rare a large group of Carpenter’s flasher wrasse, you should have a large tank or community aquarium. Although, always try to go for a large tank to set the house for your fish because large space will promote a healthy and happy life for your fish.
How many Carpenters flasher wrasses should be kept together?
Generally, males are aggressive towards the male fish of the same species. Therefore, it is recommended to keep one male with several female fish because it directly affected to reduces the aggression level of your fish. However, if you wish to keep several male fish; you should have a tank with proper space.
Tank setup
The key factor you should consider when setting up the tank is the lid because this fish tends to jump out of the tank. Generally, you can add rocks and caves to your fish tank because wrasses love to live around rocks and rest in caves when they tired swimming.
Also, you can choose sand or gravel as a substrate for your fish tank. But if you want to add gravel, it is better to go with fine gravel. However, if you do not prefer to add any substrate, glue the rock to the bottom to prevent the wrasse from shifting around. Another important thing is the filter system because a filter is essential to keep your fish tank clean.
Water quality condition
Water is the home of every fish. So, if you want to rear any fish, water quality parameters should match for them. They requires
- Water temperature- you should keep the water temperature at 72 to 78 Fahrenheit
- pH level- pH level should be between 8.1 to 8.4.
- Water hardness- 8 to 12 dKH is the ideal water hardness level for your fish tank.
- Salinity level- You should keep the salinity level between 1.020 to 1.025.
Carpenter’s flasher wrasse breeding
male or female identification
Male fish has attractive spiked fins. Also, female coloration is more intense than male coloration. As usual, the male fish is a bit larger than the female. On the other hand, female fish lack elongated fins. Do you know the most fantastic factor of male fish? The male fish who live with a group of females becomes more colorful than normal.
They got the part of their name “flasher” due to the display performed during the breeding. They have special and fantastic breeding behaviors. In the wild, the breeding pair dance together for a short period. Here also, the male fish become more colorful and vibrant. Also, the male darts through the water, flaring the fins at the female. Then the breeding pair dart upward into the water column to release the milt and eggs.
As soon as they are released, both male and female fish return to their original depth where they live in usually. Finally, the fertilized eggs and larvae drift in the water freely. But they are difficult o breed in captivity, and it does not happen well in the home aquarium.
The reason is this breeding process requires a large amount of space to breed. But this may happen in much larger public aquariums with large vertical spaces. Shall I tell the tip to enhance colors of male? Although the actual breeding process may not occur, keeping a male with females encourages bright colors in male fish.
Fry Care
Generally, it is difficult to breed this fish in a home aquarium. But somehow, if you succeed, feed them with baby brine shrimps when the fry becomes free swimmers.
Carpenter’s Flasher Wrasse diet
They are a carnivore fish species. So, they only accept animal matters. However, if you have to keep your fish healthy, you should provide high-quality foods for your fish.
What Do they Eat In The Wild?
Mainly they eat zooplankton in the wild.
What Do they Eat-In Captivity?
Generally, frozen shrimps, mussels, and crab meat work well. But it is good to provide chopped pieces. In addition to that, if you can provide daphnia and small brine shrimps or Mysis shrimps, it is also a good part of your fish’s diet.
However, keep in mind to provide small fish foods in the aquarium. Anyhow, some fish accept marine pellet food flakes. But do not try to provide them directly.
How Often Should You Feed For Your Carpenter’s Flasher
Generally, this fish species can be quite quick and demanding when eating. Also, they are a faster eater when comparing other fish species. So, It is better to feed your fish several times per day in small amounts.
So, I am recommended to feed your fish 3 times per day. When it comes to the amount you should provide, it is better to give the food amount that fish can finish within 1 to 2 minutes. Also, keep in mind that I early mentioned this fish species is eating fast. So, make sure that all fish gets a fair share in the feeding time.
When should you feed (time of the day)
You can be used to provide food to your fish at any time of the day. It may be either morning, afternoon, and evening or morning, evening, and night. But the important thing is that it is better to provide food at the same time as all the day.
How long Carpenter’s Flasher Wrasse can go without food
There is no exact time period, and it will totally depend on the availability of food in your fish tank. But in my view, do not keep them with a hungry stomach. Because as a hobbyist you are the responsible person to look after them well.
What fish can live with Carpenter’s flasher wrasse?
They are peaceful fish species accepted towards the male fish of the same and related species. So it is better to keep them with non-aggressive fish species. But here, you should highly consider the space of your fish tank. On the other hand, they do not nip at any invertebrates or corals, so you can keep this species in your reef aquarium. Further, you should avoid other wrasses keeping with this fish in the same tank. Because they can be territorial, and they may bully the Carpenter’s flasher wrasse.
However, do not keep aggressive, territorial, and fin-nipping fish with your fish at any time for any reason. However, if your wish to keep your wrasse with other fish in the same species, ensure each male fish has at least two female fish because it will help to reduce their aggression.
Also, always try to introduce female fish firstly to your aquarium. It can avoid any territorial aggression from male fish. In addition to that, if you can introduce all the Carpenter’s flasher wrasse before introducing other fish species into your tank, it is good.
Related questions
Is Carpenter’s flasher wrasse aggressive?
No, they are not aggressive. They are peaceful. But there is an exceptional case. It means Carpenter’s flasher wrasse can show aggressive behaviors towards the male fish in the same species and relative fish species.
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