Black Oranda Goldfish are truly amazing freshwater species. Because of their beautiful bossy shape, they are called the flower of the water. They got more attention from fish lovers than other goldfishes because of some distinctive features. They have flowering tails. Those are the main features that you can identify Oranda goldfish and normal goldfish.
Oranda goldfish come in various colors and those are red, orange, red and white, black, red and black, bronze, blue, chocolate, black and white, white or silver, and red-black-white (tricolor), and calico.

Among them, Black Oranda goldfish are more popular with fish lovers. The scientific name of the Black Oranda fish is Carassius auratus. Further reading will help you to discover the hidden secrets about the Black Oranda goldfish.
The appearance of Black Oranda Goldfish
Jump To
- 1 The appearance of Black Oranda Goldfish
- 2 Origin of Black Oranda Goldfish
- 3 Size of the Black Oranda Goldfish
- 4 Lifespan of Black Oranda Goldfish
- 5 Tank preparation
- 6 Black Oranda goldfish tank mates
- 7 Cleaning your Black Oranda Goldfish tank
- 8 Feeding the black oranda goldfish
- 9 Feeding frequency for Black Oranda Goldfish
- 10 Overfeeding Black Oranda Goldfish
- 11 The normal behavior of the Black Oranda Goldfish
- 12 Common diseases of Black Oranda goldfish
- 13 How to breed black oranda goldfish
- 14 Difference between black oranda goldfish fish and oranda goldfish
- 15 Related questions
- 16 Types of Oranda Goldfish
Black Oranda goldfish is the one of fancy goldfish. They are the beautiful result of specialized breeding and this goldfish has some modification features. The main feature that helps you to recognize an Oranda goldfish is a “wen” or a delicate growth on the top of the Oranda goldfish’s head.
But it takes about two years to grow fully. But after growing, the full size of the wen, this type of fish is identified as a lionhead goldfish because of its look. Like another kind of fancy goldfish, the Black Oranda goldfish also has an egg-shaped body with an elegant flowing tail and a big unpaired dorsal fin. They have large eyes. They are black in color.

Origin of Black Oranda Goldfish
Black Oranda goldfish originated in China over 500 years ago. This goldfish is derived from Prussian carp which is a wild species. Also In Chinese culture, it is known as “the flower of the water”, because of its beauty.
Size of the Black Oranda Goldfish
Adult Black Oranda goldfish can grow up to around 6-8 inches (15-25cm). some Black Oranda goldfish can breach this estimation. It depends on the environmental conditions that they live in and the quality of food provided to them.
Lifespan of Black Oranda Goldfish
Normally goldfish can live around 10-15 years. Thus, Black Orinda goldfish also can live 10-15 years. But if you provide good care and optimum water parameters, they will live around 20 years or more.
Tank preparation
Size of the tank
One Oranda goldfish need a minimum of 30 (113.5L) gallons of the tank. If you introduce more goldfish to your tank, you should add 10 (38L) water gallons per goldfish. It is not recommended to keep this type of fish in a bowl.
Black Oranda goldfish tank relatively open with lots of free-swimming space. Also, you should choose a longer aquarium. It is better longer aquarium than a taller aquarium for your fish.
Because this oranda goldfish type is not the best swimmer. Therefore, in a longer one, they can easily come to the surface when feeding time.
Water quality for Black Oranda Goldfish
You should provide 65-72 ° F (18-220 C) for oranda goldfish to achieve their optimum growth.
pH should in between 6.0-8.0 for oranda goldfish. You should maintain this pH because the rapid change of water chemistry can be harmful to your oranda goldfish.
The ideal Carbonate hardness is 120 ppm. Carbonate hardness describes the level of carbonate and bicarbonate in the water in your tank.
Oranda goldfish produce more waste and it will cause to produce ammonia. Because of that water quality will reduce. Thus, you should remove fish waste regularly and maintain the ammonia level at 0 ppm.
Oranda goldfish are slow swimmers and they cannot see surrounding materials well. Thus, the tank should have more open free-swimming space to reduce injuries.
But if you really want to bring some beauty to your aquarium, you can add live or fake aquarium plants to your tank, but the important this is, that you should keep them toward the back where your oranda goldfish does not interfere with swimming.
Filter system
The general rule is, that goldfish eat a lot of foods and generate more waste. because of that, It causes to pollute your water in the tank and this polluted water can be poison for your oranda goldfish. Therefore, you should need the best filter system to your oranda goldfish tank.
When you buy a filter for your tank you should consider the flow rate of the filter. Also for your oranda goldfish tank, the suitable minimum flow rate is 5 times the volume of your tank per hour. The ideal rate is closer to 10 times the volume of the goldfish tank per hour.
Canister filter, HOB – or hang-on back filter, Submersible filter, under gravel filter, and External filter are the filter types. When you select the filter, you should consider the capacity of the filter, brand name, materials of filter, filtration media type, size of the tank, etc.
Oranda goldfish including Black Oranda goldfish belong to the fancy goldfish type. To survive, fancy goldfish need high levels of dissolved oxygen in the water. because of that If you should keep your oranda goldfish happy and healthy, you should maintain better aeration in your tank.

Black Oranda goldfish tank mates
Black Oranda goldfish is slow-moving and clumsy. But there is an ability and probability to eat small fish by this type of goldfish. On other hand, fin nippers and large aquarium fish are not a better selection for your Black Oranda goldfish tank. Because these fish can be caused stress to your fish. Therefore, you can keep your fish with other fish varieties such as:
- Oranda Goldfish
- Ryukin Fancy Goldfish
- Pearl Scale Fancy Goldfish
- Lionhead Fancy Goldfish
- Bubble-eye Goldfish
- Zebra Danios
- White Cloud Mountain Minnows
- Cherry Barbs
Cleaning your Black Oranda Goldfish tank
Daily cleaning Black Oranda Goldfish tank
Uneaten foods are the main reason to dirt your tank water. Therefore, after feeding, removing these uneaten foods is a better habit. To do this you can use a fishnet or siphoning method.
Weekly cleaning your Black Oranda Goldfish tank
This can be accomplished well by following 3 steps.
- Remove about 20% of the water from the goldfish tank every week and discard them.
- Clean the green algae on the glass of the tank
- Treat the new water by using de-chlorination chemicals. Put a few de-chlorination drops and keep this replacement water for 15 minutes. During this time the water reaches a temperature that is similar to the tank water.
Completely clean out the Black Oranda Goldfish tank
A complete cleaning is not the best thing to do regularly. But under some circumstances, you have to clean your whole tank.
- Firstly, you should set up a temporary tank for your goldfish. You can use the water from the tank that you are going to clean. Because it helps to reduce the stress of your Black Oranda Goldfish. To do this, use a plastic container to remove the fish.
- Remove all goldfish accessories and rinse them well. Then take a container and fill it with hot water and put all the goldfish accessories into that container. You can keep them for the entire time that you take to clean the tank. Keep in mind, that do not use any soap or cleaning products to clean the accessories. If you have lived aquatic plants in your tank, dig them out and move them to one side of your tank or you can put them in a temporary tank.
- Using your algae scrubber, rub the sides and corners of your aquarium glass.
- If you have a gravel bottom, use an aquarium gravel cleaner to suck up dirty waste. If you do not have aquarium gravel cleaner you can use your hands to remove the waste.
- Clean the filter system of your tank.
- After cleaning all these things, you can fill the tank with treated water. To treat water, you can use a de-chlorinator. It helps you to eliminate chlorine. Keep this new water for about 15 minutes to reach a temperature that is similar to the previous water temperature. After that, you can put your goldfish accessories in the tank. At last, add your fish into the tank carefully.
Feeding the black oranda goldfish
Food types
To keep a happy and healthy Black Oranda Goldfish, mainly you should highly consider the foods of your fish. Also, you should provide a balanced and healthy diet by using quality foods.
Flakes –
Flakes that are specially produced for the goldfish and it contains all the required nutrients for your goldfish. Ex: TetraFin Goldfish Flakes
Pellets –
high-quality pellets especially produced for fancy goldfish are supported to bring their attractive colors. Ex: Hilkari Fancy Goldfish Pellets
Gel –
foods are the best type of foods to a fancy variety including Black Oranda Goldfish. The main advantage of this gel food is, that it contains a lot of moisture. It helps to provide a wild diet experience to your fish.
Freeze-Dried foods –
Freeze-dried bloodworms have a high amount of protein contents. It is best for your goldfish.
Live foods –
live foods are a pack of nutrients. These are brine shrimp, daphnia, tubifex worms, snails, and glass worms. Before providing the live foods, you should clean them well.
Frozen foods –
most live foods are available as frozen food such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, algae
Fresh foods –
You can add vegetables to your Black Oranda Goldfish diet. Zucchini, potatoes, broccoli, and peas are some of them.
Read What Can Goldfish Eat? 32 Foods Goldfish Likes to Eat and Nutrition
Feeding frequency for Black Oranda Goldfish
you should feed them 2-3 times per day. Important thing is, you must provide food amount that they can finish within around 2 minutes. After feeding, you can remove uneaten foods by using a fishnet.
Overfeeding Black Oranda Goldfish
Goldfish including Black Oranda goldfish can be overfed easily. Goldfish are grazers in nature and always they look out for their next meal. Because of that Overfed goldfish produce excess waste. It causes to pollutes the water and creates an unhealthy and unclean environment for your goldfish. Also, when you provide a large amount of food to your fish, these uneaten foods cause excess production of ammonia. This can be caused the death of the goldfish because ammonia is toxic to your goldfish.
The normal behavior of the Black Oranda Goldfish
Black Oranda goldfish are active but they are not the best swimmers. Generally, It is not an aggressive fish. They are friendly and peaceful fish, but they are not a schooling fish type. However, they can live with other peaceful fish in the same tank. But in the mating period, male goldfish become a bit aggressive. So Male fish tends to chase females.
Common diseases of Black Oranda goldfish
There are many common diseases.
- Ich (white spot disease) – white spots on the body of the fish
- Flukes- this is a common parasite that can be found in goldfish
- Anchor worm
- Fish Lice
- Velvet – goldfish has velvet appear
- Trichondia
- Hole in the head
- Fin Rot
- Mouth Rot
- Ulcers
- Pop Eye
- Dropsy
- Could Eye
- Fungus
- Tumors
- Cap Fox
- Lymphocystis
To prevent these diseases and protect your Black Oranda Goldfish, you should maintain good water conditions. Because ammonia and nitrate are the main factors that affect goldfish health.
How to breed black oranda goldfish
If you have an idea to breed Black Oranda goldfish, you can separate your pair of them into another tank. It is better if you choose a separate tank with an adequate open surface area.
Also, you should ensure that the required water parameters are reached. Also, you can motivate your Black Oranda goldfish to mate by adjusting the water temperature. Because Oranda goldfish are more likely to spawn in response to changes in water temperature.
Therefore, you must first adjust the water temperature to 600 Fahrenheit (15.50 C). Then increase it by 30 Fahrenheit every day. You should do this every day until meeting the optimal mating temperature rate of 68-740 Fahrenheit (30-230 C).
Normally, female Black Oranda goldfish lays about 10,000 eggs, and after that male oranda goldfish fertilize these eggs using their sperms. After, it is better to move the parent fish to the main tank again.
It avoids eating eggs from parent fish. Then about a week, eggs will hatch and you can feed baby goldfish by using foods that have high protein and iron. You can use live brine shrimp, egg york to feed black oranda frys. After they grow up, you can add them to the main display.
Difference between black oranda goldfish fish and oranda goldfish
Black Oranda goldfish is a variety of Oranda goldfish. Black Oranda goldfish is the one of fancy oranda goldfish. They are the beautiful result of specialized breeding and this goldfish has some modification features.
Oranda goldfish have more color varieties. They come in red, orange, red and white, black, red and black, bronze, blue, chocolate, black and white, white or silver, red-black-white (tricolor), and calico.
The main feature that helps you to recognize an Oranda goldfish is a wen or a delicate growth on the top of the Oranda goldfish’s head. Also, the Black Oranda goldfish also has an egg-shaped body with an elegant flowing tail and a big unpaired dorsal fin. Also, they have large eyes. They are black in color.
Related questions
Are black oranda goldfish aggressive?
Generally, Black Oranda Goldfish is not an aggressive fish. They are friendly and peaceful fish, but they are not a schooling fish type. However, they can live with other peaceful fish in the same tank. But in the mating period, male goldfish become a bit aggressive. The male fish is chasing the female.
Can a black Moor and Oranda breed?
Blackmoor and oranda belong to the same species. They are verities of goldfish. Because of that, they can interbreed.
Why is black oranda goldfish turning orange
This color change is completely normal. Black Oranda Goldfish change their colors due to different factors like the color of gravel, the color of the background, and amount of UV light. You should provide enough sunlight to your fish at least once a week.
Also, sometimes the foods that you provide to your goldfish cause to this colour change. Because you should provide a balanced diet to your fish with veggies, quality proteins, duckweed, and crushed raw garlic.
Black Oranda Goldfish Lifespan
Generally, goldfish can live around 10-15 years. Thus, Black Oranda goldfish also can live 10-15 years. But if you provide good care and optimum water conditions, they can live around 20 years or more.
Do Black Oranda goldfish recognize their owners?
Goldfish including Black Oranda Goldfish are not smart as other pets. But they come to the surface when you come near to the tank or pond. they are thinking that you come to feed them. They know you feed them and look after them. it can recognize its owners.
What is a giant black oranda goldfish?
Giant Black Oranda goldfish is black. They also have a prominent bubble or head growth on the head. And they have an egg-shaped large body with beautiful flowing fins.
Do black moor goldfish eat other fish?
The answer is, no. black moor goldfish do not eat other fish. But goldfish always seeking food. They are unable to distinguish small fish like baby goldfish from food. They think of small fish as food and catch them.
Types of Oranda Goldfish
There are the most beautiful and attractive Oranda goldfish types. They are most popular among fish lovers because of their color variations.
Black Oranda Goldfish
Black Oranda goldfish is a type of Oranda goldfish and they are popular basically due to their dark coloration. They have a black color body with back-flowing fins.
Blue Oranda Goldfish
Blue Oranda Goldfish are also known as Seibungyo and Seibun. Their body is covered with an amazing color range from dark to light greyish-blue. The blue color is sometimes mixed with other colors and at that time, only their head is blue.
Red Cap Oranda Goldfish
Redcap Oranda Goldfish is the most common variety of Oranda. This Oranda type has a silver color body with red color prominent head growth. They are not like other Oranda species. The red cap oranda has a red color jelly-like structure on the top of its head.
sometimes this cap can grow and cover their eyes too. If the eyes cover with jell structure, you should operate and remove the extra jell layer that covers the eyes to avoid blindness.
Azuma Nishiki
This Oranda fish type, Azuma Nishiki fish can be distinguished due to its coloration. They have beautiful calico or nacreous coloration.
Telescope Eye Oranda
This type of Oranda fish was developed by the Chinese. This is the ultimate result of cross-breeding of telescope eye goldfish and oranda goldfish.
Hana Fusa
Hana Fusa is also known as pompom oranda. This type is a cross-breeding of oranda goldfish and dorsal formed pompom. This Pompom Oranda or Hana Fusa has head growth and dorsal fin.
Nagate Oranda
Nagate Oranda has a long body. They were created in Shikoku, southwest area of Japan.
Apache Oranda
Apache Oranda is a type of oranda that combines both red and black colors. If the black color exists on the fins, you cannot name it as an Apache Oranda.
Panda Oranda
They got this name, because of their coloration. Their color pattern is similar to the color pattern of the panda. And surely when you see Panda Oranda, you remember the pandas. This is the fish that belongs to the oranda goldfish type and they have bi-colored or tri-colored coloration. Most probably, this coloration is black and white.
Ingot Oranda
Ingot Oranda is also called as Yuan-Bao Oranda. it is a newly developed oranda-type goldfish. This is a Chinese variety of oranda. This fish is a cross-breeding of Ryukin and Ranchu. Ingot Oranda has a box-shaped face with wen. In addition to that, you can see the characteristics of Ranchu fish on their short round-shaped body. Also, their tails are similar to the Ryukin.
Chakin or chocolate oranda has a brownish scale with a color. This color is like a chocolate color. But the meaning of this fish in Japanese is Tea fish or Tea goldfish.
Jade Seal Oranda
They have a white color cap on the head and the rest of the body is covered in red or orange color.