Why is my fish tank cloudy after water change? A milky white cloudy watercolor could be a sign of the micro-bacteria in the water. It gets produced when the nitrogen cycle cycling process when you change the large percentage of the water.
There could be other reasons such as dirty gravel, filter issue, etc. Ensure that every piece of equipment in the tank is cleaned regularly.

Is it normal for a fish tank to be cloudy after water changes?
Jump To
- 1 Is it normal for a fish tank to be cloudy after water changes?
- 2 What does it mean when my fish tank water is cloudy?
- 3 How do you clear up a cloudy fish tank?
- 4 How long does it take for cloudy aquarium water to clear?
- 5 Why is Cloudy water in an established aquarium formed?
- 6 Why is Cloudy water in an established aquarium formed?
- 7 Why is my new fish tank cloudy?
- 8 What is bacterial bloom cloudy water?
- 9 Should I do a water change if my tank is cloudy?
- 10 Fish tank cloudy water won’t go away. WHY?
- 11 Why are my fish dying after a water change?
- 12 How many goldfish per gallon?
Well, it depends on the reason for the cloudy water. If it is happening because of the bacterial bloom, it may tank down in few hours, and your cloudy aquarium water would be normal.
If the cloudy aquarium water is because of the high amount of waste product or algae bloom, you may have to clean the tank to remove all the waste.
Failing to do so will cause the water to produce a bad smell, and the micro-bacterial will move with the flow of the water, causing the fish to develop anxiety and serious health problem.
What does it mean when my fish tank water is cloudy?
Cloudy aquarium water is the most baffling phenomenon many aquarium owners deal with in their lifetime. However, there is no single answer to this problem. There can be many reasons why the water in the tank could produce a cloudy substance in the water. In most cases, the cloudy water is produced by micro-bacteria. Also, the waste product and excess fish food could be the reason for the cloudy water.
Understanding the reason would help you to mitigate the problem. Here are some of the reasons why the cloudy aquarium water could turn the milky white in the fish tank.
1) Gavel debris:
If you notice the water turns cloudy instantly after you change the large portion of the water, then the debris in the gravel would be the reason for the dirty water. The problem occurs when the gravel is not cleaned properly when cleaning the tank.
Insufficient washed leads the gravel surface to lose the bacteria’s, waste product which then gets mixed in the water and makes the water look cloudy. Always clean the gravel under the running tap water. Clean them 2 to 3 times with clean tap water until the water in the bucket looks clean.
If your tank water is looking cloudy, then the only way to resolve this is to empty the tank, pour fresh water, and put the cleaned gravel.
2) Dissolved materials:
A high level of dissolved materials causes cloudy aquarium water. The Dissolved materials such as phosphates, silicates, nitrates, and heavy metals could get mixed in the aquarium that produces the water’s milky layer, making the water look dirty.
Water parameters such as high phosphate levels, nitrite levels, nitrate levels cause problems in fish tanks. These materials are lethal for the fish’s health; hence, partial water changes should be done immediately and clean the equipment nicely before putting them back in the aquarium.
3) Bacterial Bloom:
Bacteria colonies are normal residence in an aquarium. When the condition in the aquarium is perfect, the bacteria thrives and multiplies easily. Bacteria numbers can increase easily in a few days In such a case, the cloudy water doesn’t appear immediately; however, you can experience the water quality change when the lights in the aquarium are switched on.
The aquarium color would turn milky white, and as the days passed, the aquarium color would become dark. The bacterial bloom would take time to spread in the aquarium, so do not expect it to come into normal color or appearance in a week.
Sometimes it takes months as well to see the change in the watercolor. It is a slow process, which gradually impacts the water. it can cause leathel effect to the fish.
4) Algal boolms
Algae can grow in a high nutrient environment without a problem. If your tank generates a high amount of waste or food debris, it can cause algae blooms. Algae is a living thing and it is good to have small algae levels in your aquarium because your fish feed on them. But the problem arises where there are excess algae levels in the tanks. So it is wise to keep fewer algae in your tank to avoid cloudiness.
5) Waste Product:
The decaying plants, fish food remains, and dead fish cause dirty-looking aquariums. Ensure the plants used in the tank are healthy. If you see the leaves of the plant turning yellow, it is an indication that the plants are would die soon. You should remove them from the tank or replace them with a new plant.
When it comes to feeding the fish, you should offer them food that your fish can eat in five minutes. If the fish cannot eat them all, the remaining fish food will tank down in the aquarium. It will stay there for a while and start breaking down into small pieces.
The leftover food would get mixed up in the aquarium, causing the water color to change. Uneaten foods also help the bacteria multiply quickly, leading to dirty water in the fish tank.
How do you clear up a cloudy fish tank?
There are many ways you clean cloudiness problem from a fish tank using the equipment. We will discuss the cleaning as well as the prevention method in this article.
Reduse overfeeding
The cloudiness in the aquarium water may appear due to the waste product. You may have to reduce the waste in the aquarium water. Control the feeding and let the fish eat all the provided food before it sinks to the bottom.
The uneaten food moves with the aquarium, and as it gets wet, its tank to the bottom of the aquarium, where it is broken down into small pieces. The microparticles then get mixed in the aquarium water, creating a cloudy appearance. Decomposing the food would take time, so the reaction would not be visible instantly. Always feed the fish in the right quantity.
Do not overfeed them. Feed only the amount of the food that your fish can eat in two minutes.
Stop overstocking
Another reason for the cloudy water is the too many fish in the small tank. Overstocking the tank with too many fish makes the aquarium look cloudy. The reason for that is the waste product. The fish produce a good amount of waste produced during the day.
The water filter would not be able to clean the waste causing the aquarium to become dirty. Ensure that you are not overstocking the fish. Use another tank if you want to place too many fish in the home. As per the standard guidelines for managing the number of fish, you must have one gallon of aquarium water per one inch of tropical fish.
How many goldfish per gallon?
Add three gallons of water per one inch of goldfish. Goldfish generally product large amount of the waste product.
Frequent water changes
You may have to change the water frequently; else, the aquarium would become dirty instantly. Larger the aquarium, the more waste the tank would handle. Another most common reason is the new tank syndrome. When you carry out a large water replacement method to clean the aquarium, the aquarium will look cloudy.
It is a natural biological cycle. It is the process where nitrogen cycle fluctuation causes the water to turn milky white. The release of the gases would be the result of the temperature change. Partial water changes could restart the cycle and reduce the water’s cloudiness.
After 30 days, or partial water change would give the freshwater oxygen and allow the fish to have the right amount of calories. If you have a heavy fish load, then change the water twice in the month. Regular partial water change brings down the contamination and the nitrogen level in the aquarium.
Also, please take a look at the filter, gravel, and its internal equipment. There will be a high amount of waste product in the large-size aquarium that may have stuck in the aquarium water filter. You may have to clean the filter regularly to keep it running at maximum performance. Or you can replace your filter cartridges after maximum usage.
But there are some questions regarding filter replacement. one question is should you change the water filter frequently. absolutely not, you can reuse your filter after thorough cleaning process. you can use water clarifiers from your local pet store to clear your cloudy tank. and these water clarifies generally known as flocculates.
Apart from all these, you should take a look at your water source. If your water source is dirty, you have to consider taking water from a new water source.
How long does it take for cloudy aquarium water to clear?
During the aquarium water replacement process, the cloudy aquarium may take 1 or 2 days to clean the aquarium. The free-floating bacteria would take some time to go away or slowly reside on the bottom of the tanks.
The bacteria are not harmful and may not affect the health of the fish. However, the growing population of bacteria would reduce the essential minerals and oxygen level, so you should keep the bacteria’s growth in control. The fastest way to clean the aquarium water is the partial water change of the tank and replace it with fresh water. The aquarium water change could be easily visible, and the aquarium would get clean in few hours.
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Why is Cloudy water in an established aquarium formed?
There are several reasons why you already establish an aquarium is forming cloudy water. Check the below situations where the water turns milky white or cloudy.
Why is Cloudy water in an established aquarium formed?
There are several reasons why you already establish an aquarium is forming cloudy aquarium water. Check the below situations where the aquarium turns milky white or cloudy.
1) Dead Fish:
When you have too many fish in the tank, it would be challenging to identify when the fish diet due to natural health conditions. When the fish dies, the other fish start eating them, causing the dead fish’s micro pieces to get mixed in the water. Sometimes the leftover starts decomposing, which creates a chemical reaction in the water. It would difficult to notice the dead fish in the night.
If the fish dies in the night, the other fish may start eating them, and until the morning, there will be no sign of the fish. The remaining may have a tank down behind the plants or under the gravel.
2) New tank syndrome:
After cleaning the aquarium and filling the water in the tanks, then it starts producing nitrogen in the nature water filtration process when you turn on the filter. The access nitrogen gets mixed with the water causing it to look milky white. It may take some time for the water to come into the natural state.
As the amount of nitrogen would get decrease slowly and the aquariums will become clean.
3) Waste product:
Reducing the amount of waste produced in the tank could result in clean water. The waste product substance creates a chemical reaction in the water, causing it to look dirty. When the waste products are produced in large quantities, the water filter could not clean the aquariums.
You may have to keep cleaning the water filter frequently to avoid the filter getting blocked with the waste product.
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Why is my new fish tank cloudy?
The fish tank appears cloudy due to bacterial bloom. The new aquarium goes through a break in a cycle that produces the haze in the water. Also, the decaying plant can be one of the reasons why the aquarium starts appearing cloudy.
What is bacterial bloom cloudy water?
It is the most common phenomenon in the aquarium. The bacterial bloom increases the contamination in the water, which spread across the water. The water starts appearing milky white as soon as you pour the fresh water after cleaning.
Should I do a water change if my tank is cloudy?
Yes, The water change could solve the cloudy water issue. It is recommended to change 50% of water when you experience the fish tank watercolor change. The freshwater will reduce the increased ammonia and nitrogen content and make the water look clean.
Fish tank cloudy water won’t go away. WHY?
The water looks cloudy when there is substantial growth in the contaminated content. The increased microscopic debris could produce a large number of small particles. The minerals leaching from the plants and decorative stuff could be why the cloudy water won’t go away. Acidic water conditions and bacterial bloom also cause the water to look dirty.
Why are my fish dying after a water change?
The phenomena are known as the new tank syndrome. When you put the fresh water in the tank, the naturally found water is contaminated with chemicals, minerals, and bacteria. The substances are active when you pour the fresh water into the tank. Also, the nitrogen content would be available in the water that causes the fish’s water lethal.
Before putting fish back to the aquarium, run the oxygen pump and filter at the maximum power. The process would help the water to decrease the chemical substances and make the water clean for breathing.
It would take few minutes to remove the hazardous chemicals, and the bacteria would move down at the bottom, making the water clean. It would solve your issue, and your fish would never die again.
Credits to Prime Time Aquatics
How many goldfish per gallon?
Add three gallons of water per one inch of goldfish. Goldfish generally produce a large amount of waste product. You may have to change the water frequently; else, the water would become dirty instantly. Larger the aquarium, the more waste the tank would handle.
Another most common reason is the new tank syndrome. When you carry out a large water replacement method to clean the aquarium, the water will look cloudy. It is a natural biological cycle. It is the process where nitrogen cycle fluctuation causes the water to turn milky white. The release of the gases would be the result of the temperature change.
Changing the exiting water to contain more than 50% could restart the cycle and reduce the water’s cloudiness. After 30 days, or you should change the 50% water to give the freshwater oxygen and allow the fish to have the right amount of calories.
If you have a heavy fish load, then change the water twice in the month.
Regular water changes bring down the contamination and the nitrogen level in the aquarium. Also, please take a look at the filter and its internal equipment. There will be a high amount of waste product in the large size aquarium that may have stuck in the water filter.
You may have to clean the filter regularly to keep it running at maximum performance.